quadrule_fast, a MATLAB code which implements fast and efficient forms of several popular quadrature rules.
The quadrature rules are defined on the interval [-1,1], and assume there is no additional weighting factor in the data.
The fast implementations are exhibited and discussed in the papers by Trefethen and Waldvogel.
The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license
quadrule_fast is available in a MATLAB version.
clenshaw_curtis_rule, a MATLAB code which can compute Clenshaw Curtis rules for 1 dimensional or multidimensional problems.
product_rule, a MATLAB code which can create a multidimensional quadrature rule as a product of one dimensional rules.
quadrule, a MATLAB code which contains quadrature rules.
stroud, a MATLAB code which contains quadrature rules for a variety of unusual areas, surfaces and volumes in 2D, 3D and N-dimensions.