triangle_to_fem, a FORTRAN90 code which reads a pair of node and element files created by the TRIANGLE program and writes a corresponding pair of node and element files that correspond to the FEM format.
triangle_to_fem prefixwhere prefix is the common filename prefix so that:
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license
triangle_to_fem is available in a C version and a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.
FEM_IO, a FORTRAN90 code which reads or writes node, element and data files defining a model associated with the finite element method (FEM).
GMSH_TO_FEM, a FORTRAN90 code which reads a mesh data file created by the GMSH program and writes a pair of node and element files that correspond to the FEM format.
TRIANGLE, a C program which computes Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations, and creates and manipulates files that can be displayed by SHOWME.
TRIANGLE_IO, a FORTRAN90 code which can read or write node and element files created by the TRIANGLE program.
TRIANGLE_TO_XML, a FORTRAN90 code which reads the NODE and ELE files created by triangle() to describe a triangular mesh in 2D, and writes out a corresponding XML mesh file for use by DOLFIN or FENICS.
XML_TO_FEM, a Python program which reads an XML file created by FENICS or DOLFIN, describing a mesh in 1D, 2D, or 3D, and creates corresponding FEM files, namely, a file of node coordinates, and a file of element connectivities.