
predator_prey_ode_period, a MATLAB code which sets up and solves a pair of predator prey or Lotka-Volterra ordinary differential equations (ODE) in order to estimate the period of the limit cycle. The computation involves the Lambert W function.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license


predator_prey_ode_period is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version and a Python version.

Related Data and codes:


pendulum_ode_period, a MATLAB code which sets up and solves a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) that represent the behavior of a linear pendulum of length L under a gravitational force of strength G, in order to estimate the period of oscillation.

predator_prey_ode, a MATLAB code which sets up and solves a pair of predator prey ordinary differential equations (ODE).

vanderpol_ode_period, a MATLAB code which sets up and solves the ordinary differential equations (ODE) defining the van der Pol oscillator in order to estimate the period of the limit cycle.


  1. John D Cook,
    Predator-Prey Period,
    Posted 14 July 2021
  2. Shagi-Di Shih,
    The period of a Lotka-Volterra System,
    Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics,
    Volume 1, Number 4, December 1997, pages 451-470.
  3. Joerg Waldvogel,
    The Period in the Volterra-Lotka Predator-Prey Model,
    SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,
    Volume 20, Number 6, pages 1264-1272, December 1983.

Source Code:

Last revised on 21 June 2023.