
chuckaluck_simulation, an Octave code which simulates the Chuck-a-Luck gambling game.

The player specifies a spot, between 1 and 6, and places a bet B. Three dice are rolled, and the player's return is:

   -  B if no spots show
   +  B for 1 spot
   +2 B for 2 spots
  +10 B for 3 spots

The code allows the user to simulate many repeated rounds of the game, so that a statistical analysis can be made.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license


chuckaluck_simulation is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version and a Python version.

Related Data and codes:


matlab_simulation, an Octave code which uses simulation to study card games, contests, and other processes which have a random element. Usually, the purpose is to try to predict the average behavior of the system over many trials.


  1. Nick Berry,

Source Code:

Last revised on 12 November 2022.