
asa_2011_images an Octave code which was used during labs, demonstrations, and lectures associated with the "Image Algorithms" portion of the class "Algorithms for Science Applications II", as taught at the Scientific Computing Department, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.

The Latex documents associated with this topic are available at

The PDF versions of the documents are available as


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license.


asa_2011_images is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version.

Related Data and Programs:

ASA_2011_GEOMETRY MATLAB programs which were used during labs, demonstrations and lectures for the "Geometry Algorithms" portion of the class "Algorithms for Science Applications II".

ASA_2011_GRAPHS MATLAB programs which were used during labs, demonstrations and lectures for the "Graph Algorithms" portion of the class "Algorithms for Science Applications II".

IMAGE_COMPONENTS, a MATLAB library which seeks the connected "nonzero" or "nonblack" components of an image or integer vector, array or 3D block.

IMAGE_CONTRAST, a MATLAB program which applies image processing techniques to increase the contrast in an image.

IMAGE_DENOISE, a MATLAB program which applies image processing techniques to remove noise from an image.

IMAGE_EDGE a MATLAB library which demonstrates a simple procedure for edge detection in images.

IMAGE_NOISE, MATLAB programs which add noise to an image.

IMAGE_QUANTIZATION, a MATLAB library which demonstrates how the KMEANS algorithm can be used to reduce the number of colors or shades of gray in an image.

IMAGE_RGB_TO_GRAY, is a MATLAB function which creates a grayscale version of an RGB image.

IMAGE_THRESHOLD, a MATLAB library which creates a black and white version of a grayscale image by specifying a single threshold value; pixels below this value become black, and above this value they are white.


  1. Jonas Gomes, Luiz Velho,
    Image Processing for Computer Graphics,
    Springer, 1997,
    ISBN: 0387948546,
    LC: T385.G65.
  2. William Pratt,
    Digital Image Processing,
    Second Edition,
    Wiley, 1991,
    ISBN13: 978-0471857662,
    LC: TA1632.P7.

Source Code:

Last modified on 28 July 2011.