
2006 Pl¨otner, J., F. K ¨ohler, T. Uzzell, P. Beerli, and C. Spolsky. Molecular Systematics of Amphibians. In Amphibian biology, Volume 5 (Ed. Heatwole, Harold). Surrey Beatty
2006 Beerli, P. Book review: Statistical methods in (molecular) evolution. Evolution 60: 421-423.
2006 Comparison of Bayesian and maximum likelihood inference of population genetic parameters. Bioinformatics 22(3): 341-345. (PDF)
2005 Chi, H. , P. Beerli, D. Evans, and M. Mascagni. On the Scrambled Sobo\'l Sequences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3615: 775-782.
2005 Mu J, Joy D.A., Duan J., Huang Y., Carlton J., Walker J., Barnwell J., Beerli P., Charleston M.A., Pybus O.G., Su X.Z. 2005. Host Switch Leads to Emergence of Plasmodium vivax Malaria in Humans. Molecular Biology and Evolution 22(8):1686-1693
2004 Beerli, P. Effect of unsampled populations on the estimation population sizes and migration rates between sampled populations. Molecular Ecology 13: 827–836.
2003 Brumfield, R., P. Beerli, D. Nickerson, and S. Edwards. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Phylogeography. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18(5): 249-256.
2003 Joy, D.A., X. Feng, J. Mu, T. Furuya, K. Chotivanich, A. U. Krettli, M. Ho, A. Wang, N. J. White, E. Suh, P. Beerli, and X. Su. Early Origin and Recent Expansion of Plasmodium falciparum. Science 300:318-321.
2002 Beerli, P., and S. V. Edwards. When did the Neanderthals and modern humans diverge?. Centenary Anniversary Anthropology Institute University of Zurich (1999), Supplement Evolutionary Anthropology.
2002 Arbogast, B., S. Edwards, J. Wakeley, P. Beerli, and J. Slowinski. Estimating divergence times from molecular data on population genetic and phylogenetic time scales. Annual reviews in Ecology and Systematics
33: 707-740. doi: 10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.33.010802.150500.
2001 Beerli, P. and J. Felsenstein. Maximum likelihood estimation of a migration matrix and effective population sizes in n subpopulations using a coalescent approach. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98(8):4563-4568.
2001 Hoekstra H., J. Hoekstra, D. Berrigan, S. Vignieri, C. Hill, A. Hoang, P. Gibert, P. Beerli, and J. G. Kingsolver. The Strength and Tempo of Directional Selection in the Wild. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 98(16):9157-9160.
2001 Hotz, H., T. Uzzell, G.-D. Guex, D. Alpers, R. D. Semlitsch, P. Beerli. Microsatellites: a tool for evolutionary genetic studies of western Palearctic water frogs. In: Third international symposium on genetics, systematics, and ecology of western Palearctic water frogs, Eds. J. Pl¨otner, and D.
Schmeller. Mitteilungen aus dem Museum f ¨ur Naturkunde in Berlin, Zoologische Reihe 77:
2001 Guex, G.-D., H. Hotz, T. Uzzell, G.-D. , R. D. Semlitsch, P. Beerli, and R. Pascolini. Developmental disturbances in Rana esculenta tadpoles and metamorphs. In: Third international symposium on genetics, systematics, and ecology of western Palearctic water frogs, Eds.
J. Pl¨otner, and D. Schmeller. Mitteilungen aus dem Museum f ¨ur Naturkunde in Berlin, Zoologische Reihe 77.
2001 Kingsolver, J. G., H. Hoekstra, J. Hoekstra, D. Berrigan, S. Vignieri, C. Hill, A. Hoang, P. Gibert, and P. Beerli. The Strength of Phenotypic Selection in Natural Populations. American Naturalist 157:245-261.
2000 Beerli, P., N. C. Grassly, M. K. Kuhner, D. Nickle, O. Pybus, M. Rain, A. Rambaut, A. G. Rodrigo, and Y. Wang. Population genetics of HIV: parameter estimation using genealogy-based methods. Computational and Evolutionary Analysis of HIV Molecular Sequences. Pp 217-252. In:
Computational and Evolutionary Analysis of HIV Molecular Sequences
. Eds. A. G. Rodrigo and G. Learn. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. 312 pp.
2000 Edwards, S. V., and P. Beerli. Perspective: Gene divergence, Population divergence, and the variance in coalescence time in phylogeographic studies. Evolution 54(6):1839-1854.
2000 Kuhner, M. K., and P. Beerli. Comments in Discussion of paper by Stephens, M. and Donnelly, P. Inference in molecular population genetics. Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series B 62(4):605- 635 (Comments in pages 642-643).
2000 Kuhner, M. K., P. Beerli, Jon Yamato, and Joseph Felsenstein. Usefulness of single nucleotide polymorphism data for estimating population parameters. Genetics 156:439-447.
1999 Beerli, P. and J. Felsenstein. Maximum likelihood estimation of migration rates and effective population numbers in two populations. Genetics 152: 763-773.
1999 Felsenstein, J. , M. K. Kuhner, J. Yamato, and P. Beerli. Likelihoods on coalescents: a Monte Carlo sampling approach to inferring parameters from population samples of molecular data. Lecture Notes - Monograph Series, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
33: 163-185.
1999 Hotz, H., R. Semlitsch, G.-D. Guex, and P. Beerli. Spontaneous heterosis in larval life-history traits of hemiclonal frog hybrids, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 96: 2171-2176. 3
1998 Beerli, P. Estimation of migration rates and population sizes in geographically structured populations. In Advances in molecular ecology (Ed. G. Carvalho). NATO Science Series A: Life Sciences, IOS Press, Amsterdam. Pp 39-53.
1998 Schnabel, A., P. Beerli, A. Estoup, D. Hillis. A guide to software packages for data analysis on molecular ecology. In Advances in molecular ecology (Ed. G. Carvalho). NATO Science Series A: Life Sciences, IOS Press, Amsterdam. Pp 291-303.
1997 Beerli, P. Letter to the Editor: Statistical analyses of population genetic data. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 488.
1996 Beerli, P., H. Hotz, and T. Uzzell. Geologically dated sea barriers calibrate an average protein clock in water frogs of the Aegean region. Evolution 50(4): 1676-1687.
1996 Hotz H., T. Uzzell, P. Beerli, and G.-D. Guex. Are hybrid clonals species? A case for enlightened anarchy. Amphibia-Reptilia 17: 315-320.
1996 Semlitsch, R. D., S. Schmiedehausen, H. Hotz, and P. Beerli. Genetic compatibility between sexual and clonal genomes in local populations of the hybridogenetic Rana esculenta complex. Evolutionary Ecology 10(5): 531-543.
1995 Beerli, P. Amphibien in der Umgebung des Nussbaumer Sees. Pp. 319-323 in: A. Schl¨afli, ed. Die Nussbaumer Seen. Eine Naturmonographie. Ittinger Schriftenreihe 5. Stiftung Kartause Ittingen, Warth (Switzerland).
1994 Beerli, P., H. Hotz, H. Tunner, S. Heppich, and T. Uzzell. Two new water frog species from the Aegean islands Crete and Karpathos. (Amphibia, Salientia, Ranidae). Notulae Naturae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia
(470): 1-9.
1993 Beerli, P. Amphibien des Hudelmoos. Mitt. thurg. naturf. Ges. 51: 257-260.
1993 Kaden, D. , P. Beerli. Reptilien des Hudelmoos. Mitt. thurg. naturf. Ges. 51: 261-263.
1993 Kaden, D., P. Beerli. Heuschrecken des Hudelmoos. Mitt. thurg. naturf. Ges. 51: 207-213.
1992 Hotz, H., P. Beerli, and C. Spolsky. Mitochondrial DNA reveals formation of nonhybrid frogs by natural matings between hemiclonal hybrids. Molecular Biology and Evolution 9(4): 610-620.
1986 Beerli, P., H. Billing, and B. Sch¨atti. Taxonomischer Status von Vipera latasti monticola Saint Girons, 1953. Salamandra 22(2/3): 101 - 104.
1985 Beerli, P. Amphibieninventar des Kantons Thurgau. Mitt. thurg. naturf. Ges. 46: 7-51