Mon Jan 31 11:23:14 2022 normal_ode_test(): Python version: 3.6.9 normal_ode() defines an ODE for the normal PDF. Solve this ODE using the Euler method. Estimate ODE approximation error by taking twice as many steps. parameters: t0 = -5.0 y0 = 1.4867195147342979e-06 tstop = 5.0 Graphics saved as "normal_ode.png" Graphics saved as "normal_ode_error.png" Solution used 100 and 200 steps. Estimated RMS error = 0.03570454646918994 Exact RMS error = 0.12896427837922048 At the point t = 5.0 Y estimate = [2.7928498e-08] Y double step estimate = [2.29528315e-07] Y exact value = 1.4867195147343165e-06 Y error estimate = [2.01599817e-07] Y exact error = [1.45879102e-06] normal_ode_test(): Normal end of execution. Mon Jan 31 11:23:14 2022