Fri May 26 08:18:10 2023 hermite_rule_test(): Python version: 3.8.10 Test hermite_rule(). hermite_rule(): Compute a Gauss-Hermite rule for approximating integral ( -oo < x < +oo ) f(x) rho(x) dx where the weight rho(x) is: exp ( - b * ( x - a )^2 ) * sqrt ( b / pi ) dx using N points. The user specifies N, A, B, SCALE, FILENAME. N is the number of points A is the center point (typically 0). B is the exponential scale factor (typically 1). SCALE is 1 if the weights are to be normalized. FILENAME is used to generate 3 files: filename_w.txt - the weight file filename_x.txt - the abscissa file. filename_r.txt - the region file. Input summary: N = 4 A = 0.0 B = 1.0 SCALE = 0 FILENAME = "herm_o4". abscissas saved as "herm_o4_x.txt" weights saved as "herm_o4_w.txt" region saved as "herm_o4_r.txt" hermite_rule_test(): Normal end of execution. Fri May 26 08:18:11 2023