Sat Aug 1 17:47:37 2020 iris_decision_tree: Python version: 3.6.9 Plot a decision tree for the iris classification task. // A network digraph { 1 [label="Test petal length"] 2 [label="Test petal width"] 3 [label="Test petal length"] 4 [label="Test petal width"] 5 [label=setosa] 6 [label=versicolor] 7 [label=virginica] 8 [label=virginica] 9 [label=virginica] 1 -> 5 [label="petal length < 2.45"] 1 -> 2 [label="2.45 <= petal length"] 2 -> 3 [label="petal width < 1.75"] 2 -> 9 [label="1.75 <= petal width"] 3 -> 4 [label="petal length < 4.95"] 3 -> 8 [label="4.95 <= petal length"] 4 -> 6 [label="petal width < 1.65"] 4 -> 7 [label="1.65 <= petal width"] } Graphics saved as "iris_decision_tree.png" iris_decision_tree: Normal end of execution. Sat Aug 1 17:47:37 2020