Tue Oct 19 11:33:12 2021 doomsday_test Python version: 3.6.9 Test doomsday(). doomsday_gregorian_test01 Python version: 3.6.9 Try a couple selected dates. YYYY MM DD Weekday Weekday Tabulated Computed 1989 7 13 Thursday Thursday 2012 5 26 Saturday Saturday doomsday_gregorian_test01 Normal end of execution. doomsday_gregorian_test02 Python version: 3.6.9 weekday_values supplies a list of dates and weekdays. YYYY MM DD Weekday Weekday Tabulated Computed 1648 6 10 Wednesday Wednesday 1680 6 30 Sunday Sunday 1716 7 24 Friday Friday 1768 6 19 Sunday Sunday 1819 8 2 Monday Monday 1839 3 27 Wednesday Wednesday 1903 4 19 Sunday Sunday 1929 8 25 Sunday Sunday 1941 9 29 Monday Monday 1943 4 19 Monday Monday 1943 10 7 Thursday Thursday 1992 3 17 Tuesday Tuesday 1996 2 25 Sunday Sunday 2038 11 10 Wednesday Wednesday 2094 7 18 Sunday Sunday doomsday_gregorian_test02 Normal end of execution. i4_modp_test Python version: 3.6.9 i4_modp factors a number into a multiple M and a positive remainder R. Number Divisor Multiple Remainder 107 50 2 7 107 -50 -2 7 -107 50 -3 43 -107 -50 3 43 Repeat using Python % Operator: 107 50 2 7 107 -50 -3 -43 -107 50 -3 43 -107 -50 2 -7 i4_modp_test Normal end of execution. i4_wrap_test Python version: 3.6.9 i4_wrap forces an integer to lie within given limits. ILO = 4 IHI = 8 I i4_wrap(I) -10 5 -9 6 -8 7 -7 8 -6 4 -5 5 -4 6 -3 7 -2 8 -1 4 0 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 7 13 8 14 4 15 5 16 6 17 7 18 8 19 4 20 5 i4_wrap_test Normal end of execution. weekday_to_name_common_test Python version: 3.6.9 weekday_to_name_common returns the name of a day of the week in the common calendar. Index Name 1 Sunday 2 Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Friday 7 Saturday weekday_to_name_common_test Normal end of execution. weekday_values_test: Python version: 3.6.9 weekday_values stores values of the weekday for a given Y/M/D date Y M D W -587 7 30 1 -169 12 8 4 70 9 26 4 135 10 3 1 470 1 7 4 576 5 18 2 694 11 7 7 1013 4 19 1 1066 10 14 7 1096 5 18 1 1190 3 16 6 1240 3 3 7 1288 3 26 6 1298 4 20 1 1391 6 4 1 1436 1 25 4 1492 3 31 7 1553 9 9 7 1560 2 24 7 1648 6 10 4 1680 6 30 1 1716 7 24 6 1768 6 19 1 1819 8 2 2 1839 3 27 4 1903 4 19 1 1929 8 25 1 1941 9 29 2 1943 4 19 2 1943 10 7 5 1992 3 17 3 1996 2 25 1 2038 11 10 4 2094 7 18 1 weekday_values_test: Normal end of execution. year_is_leap_gregorian_test year_is_leap_gregorian reports leap years in the Gregorian calendar. Year Leap? 899 False 2042 False 746 False 1636 True 942 False 1892 True 1338 False 1240 True 1962 False 552 True 104 True 1125 False 1767 False 808 True 2044 True 230 False 330 False 676 True 97 False 1595 False year_is_leap_gregorian_test Normal end of execution. doomsday_test Normal end of execution. Tue Oct 19 11:33:12 2021