Thu Sep 22 19:09:30 2022 diophantine_test(): Python version: 3.6.9 Test diophantine(). diophantine_test01(): Solve one Diophantine equation in two variables. 91 * x 1 + 21 * x 2 = 7 Any right hand side must be a multiple of d = 7.0 A particular solution v: [ 1. -4.] General solution x = v + W*c, where W is: [[-3.] [13.]] The residual for the particular solution with c=0 is 0.0 diophantine_test02(): Solve one Diophantine equation in three variables. 6 * x 1 + -14 * x 2 + 21 * x 3 = 11 Any right hand side must be a multiple of d = 1.0 A particular solution v: [-11. 11. 11.] General solution x = v + W*c, where W is: [[ 0. 7.] [ 3. 0.] [ 2. -2.]] The residual for the particular solution with c=0 is 0.0 diophantine_test03() Solve one Diophantine equation in three variables. 12 * x 1 + 9 * x 2 + 7 * x 3 = 60 Any right hand side must be a multiple of d = 1.0 A particular solution v: [ 180. 0. -300.] General solution x = v + W*c, where W is: [[ 1. -7.] [ 1. 0.] [-3. 12.]] The residual for the particular solution with c=0 is 0.0 diophantine_test04(): Solve one Diophantine equation in three variables. 6 * x 1 + 15 * x 2 + 10 * x 3 = 60 Any right hand side must be a multiple of d = 1.0 A particular solution v: [ 60. 60. -120.] General solution x = v + W*c, where W is: [[ 0. -5.] [-2. 0.] [ 3. 3.]] The residual for the particular solution with c=0 is 0.0 (28,12): 6 0 + 15 0 + 10 -180 = 60 (29,11): 6 5 + 15 5 + 10 -175 = 60 (29,12): 6 0 + 15 0 + 10 -180 = 60 (30,10): 6 10 + 15 10 + 10 -170 = 60 (30,11): 6 5 + 15 5 + 10 -175 = 60 (30,12): 6 0 + 15 0 + 10 -180 = 60 diophantine_test(): Normal end of execution. Thu Sep 22 19:09:30 2022