Tue Oct 19 11:26:26 2021 cvt_1d_lloyd_test(): Python version: 3.6.9 Test cvt_1d_lloyd() cvt_1d_lloyd(): Python version: 3.6.9 Apply Lloyd's algorithm repeatedly to a set of N points in a 1D interval, seeking the Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) solution. Number of generators is 10 Number of iterations is 20 Initialization option is 1 Optional prefix for graphics files is "random_" Initial generators: 0 0.273508 1 0.308436 2 0.402688 3 0.46414 4 0.481562 5 0.617188 6 0.628802 7 0.806146 8 0.904922 9 0.964992 Final generators: 0 0.0619896 1 0.183745 2 0.299554 3 0.407523 4 0.507829 5 0.602135 6 0.69261 7 0.78111 8 0.868814 9 0.956284 Graphics saved as "random_energy.png". Graphics saved as "random_motion.png". Graphics saved as "random_evolution.png". cvt_1d_lloyd(): Normal end of execution. cvt_1d_lloyd(): Python version: 3.6.9 Apply Lloyd's algorithm repeatedly to a set of N points in a 1D interval, seeking the Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) solution. Number of generators is 10 Number of iterations is 20 Initialization option is 2 Optional prefix for graphics files is "squashed_" Initial generators: 0 0.01 1 0.0111111 2 0.0122222 3 0.0133333 4 0.0144444 5 0.0155556 6 0.0166667 7 0.0177778 8 0.0188889 9 0.02 Final generators: 0 0.0032498 1 0.0112221 2 0.0243716 3 0.0484786 4 0.0920218 5 0.165491 6 0.278978 7 0.438382 8 0.641588 9 0.876636 Graphics saved as "squashed_energy.png". Graphics saved as "squashed_motion.png". Graphics saved as "squashed_evolution.png". cvt_1d_lloyd(): Normal end of execution. cvt_1d_lloyd_test(): Normal end of execution. Tue Oct 19 11:26:27 2021