Tue Apr 18 07:22:56 2023 arclength_test() Python version: 3.8.10 Test arclength(). arclength_x_test(): arclength_x() estimates the arclength of a curve (x,y(x)) over a range x1 <= x <= x2 using n intervals. n s |error| 2 4.621708 0.044958 4 4.655093 0.011574 8 4.663747 0.002920 16 4.665935 0.000732 32 4.666484 0.000183 n s |error| 2 1.429563 0.010147 4 1.437121 0.002589 8 1.439059 0.000651 16 1.439547 0.000163 32 1.439669 0.000041 arclength_t_test(): arclength_t() estimates the arclength of a curve (x(t),y(t)) over a range t1 <= t <= t2 using n intervals. n s |error| 2 6.283185 0.000000 4 6.283185 0.000000 8 6.283185 0.000000 16 6.283185 0.000000 32 6.283185 0.000000 n s |error| 2 37.699112 31.340226 4 65.973446 3.065892 8 68.875208 0.164130 16 69.037528 0.001810 32 69.039337 0.000001 n s |error| 2 0.000000 6.000000 4 0.000000 6.000000 8 4.712389 1.287611 16 5.688357 0.311643 32 5.922695 0.077305 64 5.980711 0.019289 128 5.995180 0.004820 256 5.998795 0.001205 512 5.999699 0.000301 1024 5.999925 0.000075 n s |error| 2 6.283185 1.716815 4 7.584476 0.415524 8 7.896926 0.103074 16 7.974281 0.025719 32 7.993573 0.006427 arclength_test(): Normal end of execution. Tue Apr 18 07:22:56 2023