zoomin_report.txt 16 August 1998 ZOOMIN contains a large selection of scalar zero finders, for solving equations F(X)=0. Most of these were collected from a book by Traub: Joseph Traub, Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equations, ISBN: 0828403120, LC: QA297.T7, Prentice Hall, 1964. ******************************************************************************80 To use ZOOMIN, write a main program which sets the input variables and calls ZOOMIN as follows: call ZOOMIN(a,b,c,abserr,kmax,idif,ipoly,mult,nsub) the arguments have the following meanings- a, b, c - three starting points, which should be close to the root for best results. the program may rearrange these points so that f(a) is minimum and the sign of f(b) is opposite that of f(a) if possible. abserr - an error tolerance. if successive steps are of size less than abserr, or the function value of the current estimate is less than abserr, the program accepts the current estimate. kmax - the maximum number of iterations for any method. 30 is a reasonable number. idif - the highest derivative you have supplied, with acceptable values from 0 to 3. you must supply the function value (idif=0). if you have supplied all derivatives from 0 up to n, set idif=n. whether or not you actually supply the correct derivatives, you must write the corresponding subroutines. (see below). ipoly - the polynomial degree of the function, if it is a polynomial. acceptable values are 2 or greater for a polynomial, or 1 or less for non polynomial. note that a linear function (ipoly=1) cannot be handled by laguerre's method. mult - the suspected multiplicity of the root, if known. acceptable values are 1 (for a single root), or greater. for f(x)=(x-3)*(x-3)*(x-7), you should use mult=2 if you are seeking the root at x=3. nsub - the number of sub-iterations to take in the two methods which use them. one method, for example, evaluates the derivative at a point, and then takes nsub newton-like steps, except that the derivative is held fixed for those nsub steps. acceptable values are 1 or greater. ********************************************************************* Here is the output from a sample call to ZOOMIN: call zoomin to solve f(x)=(x+3)*(x+3)*(x-2)=0 ZOOMIN A compilation of scalar zero finders, based on the work of Joseph Traub. 1 point formulas use x1= 1.500000 fx1= -10.12500 2 point formulas use x2= 4.000000 fx2= 98.00000 3 point formulas use x3= 1.000000 fx3= -16.00000 User estimated multiplicity= 1 Polynomial degree= 3 Highest derivative supplied= 3 Error tolerance= 9.9999997E-06 Maximum number of steps= 30 Newton method substep parameter = 3 Technique Root Steps 1. One point iteration functions with memory Secant 2.00000 6 Extended secant 2.00000 6 Muller 2.00000 5 Perp E 2,1 2.00000 5 Star E 2,1 2.00000 5 Finite difference Halley 2.00000 4 Phi 1,2 2.00000 3 Perp E 1,2 2.00000 3 Star E 1,2 2.00000 3 Dagger E 1,2 2.00000 3 2. One point iteration functions. Newton 2.00000 4 E 3 2.00000 3 E 4 2.00000 3 Halley 2.00000 3 Psi 2,1 2.00000 2 Psi 1,2 2.00000 3 Cap Phi 0,3 2.00000 2 Reduced Cap Phi 0,4 2.00000 2 Ostrowski square root 2.00000 2 Euler 2.00000 2 Laguerre 2.00000 1 3. Multipoint iteration functions. Traub first 2.00000 4 Traub second 2.00000 2 Traub twelfth 2.00000 3 Traub thirteenth 2.00000 2 Traub third, NSUB= 3 2.00000 3 Traub fourth, NSUB= 3 2.00000 2 Newton-secant 2.00000 3 Traub sixth 2.00000 3 Traub seventh 2.00000 3 Traub eighth 2.00000 3 Traub ninth 2.00000 2 Traub type 1, form 10 2.00000 3 Traub type 1, form 11 2.00000 3 Traub fourteenth 2.00000 2 Traub fifteenth 2.00000 2 Traub sixteenth 2.00000 2 King, BETA=0 2.00000 2 King, BETA=1 2.00000 2 King, BETA=2 2.00000 3 Jarratt 2.00000 2 4. Multiple root methods, multiplicity known. Traub Script E 2 2.00000 4 Traub Script E 3 2.00000 3 Traub Script E 4 2.00000 3 Traub Star E 1,1(f) 2.00000 6 5. Multiple root methods, multiplicity unknown. Traub E 2(U) 2.00000 4 mult= 1.000 Traub Phi 1,1(U) 2.00000 3 mult= 1.000 Traub third 2.00000 4 mult= 1.000 Van de Vel 2.00000 2 mult= 1.003 Improved Van de Vel 2.00000 4 mult= 1.000 6. Bisection methods Bisection 2.00000 18 Regula falsi 2.00000 20 Bisection-secant 1.99998 11 Bisection-secant-inv quad 2.00000 5 ********************************************************************* A Compilation of Iterative Methods for the Solution of an Equation in One Variable Harold A Deiss Introduction This compilation of iterative techniques to solve an equation in one variable is a result of a National Science Foundation funded program at the University of Pittsburgh. This program enabled high school teachers, such as myself, to share the work and experiences involved in research. It was my privilege to work under the guidance of Professor Werner Rheinboldt whose inspiration, knowledge, and clarity of explanations made this compilation possible. It is my hope that the algorithms and basic code may be useful to researchers and practitioners in this field. ********************************************************************* 1) One point iteration functions with memory ********************************************************************* 1.1) Secant method, PHI(1,1) Comments: Inverse interpolation. Traub also classifies this as Capital Phi(1,1), Perp E(1,1), Star E(1,1). Its order is almost as high as Newton's method but needs no derivative. Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,fx1) function(f) Step: fx := f(x) d1 := ( fx - fx1 ) / ( x - x1 ) xn := x - fx / d1 Output: memory(x,fx) iterate(xn) order=0.5*(1.0+sqrt(5)), roughly 1.62 1.2) higher order secant method - Phi(2,1) Traub, sections 4.22 and 6.12 Comments: Inverse interpolation - Phi(2,1) does not require the evaluation of derivatives; Its use is indicated if the cost of evaluating f' is high. Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,x2,fx1,fx2,d1) function(f) Step: fx := f(x) d2 := d1 d1 := (fx - fx1)/(x - x1) xn := x - fx/d1 + (fx*fx1/(fx-fx2))*(1.0/d1 - 1.0/d2) Output: memory(x,x1,fx,fx1,d1) iterate(xn) order=1.84 1.3) Phi(1,2) method Traub, section 4.22 and 6.12 Comments: Inverse interpolation; Although it uses no more information per step than the Newton method, it enjoys a considerably higher order. Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,fx1,dfx1) functions(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) c := fx-fx1 d := c/(x-x1) h := 1/c*(1/dfx - 1/d) - fx1/(c*c)*(1/dfx + 1/dfx1 -2/d) xn := x - fx/dfx + fx*fx*h Output: memory(x,fx,dfx) iterate(xn) order=1 + sqrt(3), approximately 2.73 1.4) Capital Phi(2,1) Traub, sections 4.23 and 10.21 Comments: Direct interpolation. This iterative function differs only in form from Muller's iterative function over which it enjoys a number of advantages. Its use is indicated if the cost of evaluating f' is high. Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,x2,fx1,fx2,d1) function(f) Step: fx := f(x) d2 := d1 d1 := (fx-fx1)/(x-x1) d2 := (d1-d2)/(x-x2) z := d1 + (x-x1)*d2 xn := x - 2.0*fx/(z + sqrt(z*z - 4.0*fx*d2)) Output: memory(x,x1,fx,fx1,d1) iterate(xn) order=1.84 1.5) perp E(2,1) method Traub, sections 6.23 and 6.24 Comments: Inverse interpolation in which f' is estimated. Its use is indicated if the cost of evaluating f' is high. Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,x2,fx1,fx2,d1) function(f) Step: fx := f(x) d2 := d1 d1 := (fx-fx1)/(x-x1) d := (fx-fx2)/(x-x2) xn := x-fx*(1/d1 + 1/d - 1/d2) Output: memory(x,x1,fx,fx1,d1) iterate(xn) order=1.84 1.6) perp E(1,2) method Traub, sections 6.23 and 6.24 Comments: Inverse interpolation in which f" is estimated. Although it uses no more information per step than Newton's method, it enjoys a considereably higher order. Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,fx1,dfx1) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d := (fx-fx1)/(x-x1) z := 2/dfx + 1/dfx1 - 3/d xn := x - fx/dfx + fx*fx*z/(fx-fx1) Output: memory(x,fx,dfx) iterate(xn) order=2.73 1.7) star e 2,1 method Traub, sections 6.22 and 6.24 Comments: Inverse interpolation in which f' is estimated. Its use is indicated if the cost of evaluation f' is high. Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,x2,fx1,fx2,d1) function(f) Step: fx := f(x) d2 := d1 d1 := (fx-fx1)/(x-x1) d := (fx-fx2)/(x-x2) xn := x - fx/(d1 + d - d2) Output: memory(x,x1,fx,fx1,d1) iterate(xn) order=1.84 1.8) star e 1,2 method Traub, sections 6.22 and 6.24 Comments: Inverse interpolation in which f" is estimated. Although it uses no more information per step than Newton's method, it enjoys a considerably higher order. Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,fx1,dfx1) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx d := (fx-fx1)/(x-x1) z := 2*dfx + dfx1 - 3*d xn := x - u - u*u*z/(dfx*(x-x1)) Output: memory(x,fx,dfx) iterate(xn) order=2.73 1.9) dagger e 1,2 method Traub, section 6.33 Comments: Inverse interpolation which estimates f". This iterative function does not reuse the old information at fx1. It is of somewhat simpler form than Star E 1,2 but has lower order. Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,dfx1) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx d := (dfx-dfx1)/(x-x1) xn := x - u - 0.5*u*u*d/dfx Output: memory(x,dfx) iterate(xn) order=1+sqrt(2), approximately 2.41 1.10) finite difference halley's method Traub, section 10.21 Comments: Inverse interpolation. This is a finite difference analog of Halley's iterative function Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,x2,fx1,fx2,d1) function(f) Step: fx := f(x) d2 := d1 d1 := (fx-fx1)/(x-x1) d2 := (d1-d2)/(x-x2) d := d1 - fx1*d2/d1 xn := x - fx/d Output: memory(x,x1,fx,fx1,d1) iterate(xn) order=1.84 ********************************************************************* 2) one point iteration functions ********************************************************************* 2.1) Newton's method Traub, sections 4.3 and 5.1 Comments: Newton's method is also classified by Traub as Phi 0,2, Capital Phi 0,2, and Psi 1,0. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) x := x - fx/dfx Output: iterate(x) order=2 2.2) E3 method Traub, sections 4.3 and 5.1 Comments: Same as Phi 0,3, Psi 2,0. E3 is particularly suitable if F satisfies a second order differential equation. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f',f") Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) u := fx/dfx v := d2fx/(2*dfx) x := x - u*(1.0 + v*u) Output: iterate(x) order=3 2.3) e4 method Traub, section 5.1 Comments: same as Phi 0,4, Psi 3,0 Input: iterate(x) function(f,f',f",f"') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) d3fx := f"'(x) u := fx/dfx v := d2fx/(2*dfx) w := d3fx/(6*dfx) x := x - u*(1.0 + u*(v + u*(2*v*v - w))) Output: iterate(x) order=4 2.4) Halley's method Traub, sections 5.2 and 5.33; paper by g. alefeld Comments: Rational approximation. Traub classifies as Psi 1,1. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f',f") Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) u := fx/dfx v := d2fx/(2*dfx) x := x - u/(1.0 - v*u) Output: iterate(x) order=3 2.5) Psi 2,1 method Traub, section 5.2 Comments: Rational approximation Input: iterate(x) function(f,f',f",f"') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) d3fx := f"'(x) u := fx/dfx v := d2fx/(2*dfx) w := d3fx/(6*dfx) x := x - u*(v - (v*v - w)*u)/(v - (2*v*v - w)*u) Output: iterate(x) order=4 2.6) Psi 1,2 method Traub, sections 5.2 and 5.33 Comments: Rational approximation Input: iterate(x) function(f,f',f",f"') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) d3fx := f"'(x) u := fx/dfx v := d2fx/(2*dfx) w := d3fx/(6*dfx) x := x - u/(1.0 - u*(v + (v*v - w)*u)) Output: iterate(x) order=4 2.7) Capital Phi 0,3 Traub, sections 5.31 and 5.32 Comments: Direct interpolation Input: iterate(x) function(f,f',f") Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) u := fx/dfx v := d2fx/(2*dfx) x := x - 2*u/(1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - 4*u*v)) Output: iterate(x) order=3 2.8) reduced degree capital Phi 0,4 Traub, section 5.33 Comments: Direct interpolation with Newton substitution Input: iterate(x) function(f,f',f",f"') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f"(x) d2fx := f"(x) d3fx := f"'(x) u := fx/dfx v := d2fx/(2*dfx) w := d3fx/(6*dfx) x := x - 2*u/(1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - 4*u*(v - u*w))) Output: iterate(x) order=4 2.9) a family of one point iteration functions Eldon Hanson and Merrell Patrick, A family of root finding methods, numerical mathematics, volume 27, 1977. Comments: The general form is: xn=x-(beta+1)*f(x)/(beta*f'(x)+-sqrt((f'(x))**2-(beta+1)*f(x)*f"(x))) no method in class is asymptotically best for all f. typical values for the parameter beta are: Ostrowski: beta=0 Euler method: beta=1 Laguerre method: if f is a polynomial of degree n, beta=1/(n-1) Halley method: beta=-1 Newton method: beta tends to 0 (this method has a varying beta) Input: iterate(x) parameter(beta) function(f,f',f") Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) x := x-(beta+1)*fx/(beta*dfx+sqrt(dfx*dfx-(beta+1)*fx*d2fx)) Output: iterate(x) order=3 for simple roots for any fixed finite beta. (order=2 for Newton's method). ********************************************************************* 3) multipoint iteration functions ********************************************************************* 3.1) first function Traub, sections 8.22, 8.4, and 9.31; see also page 236, function 1 Comments: Uses chord at iteration point parallel to tangent line at Newton's point. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) z := x - fx/dfx dfz := f'(z) x := x - fx/dfz Output: iterate(x) order=3 3.2) second function Traub, section 8.34; see also page 236, function 3 Comments: The case NSUB=1 is Newton's method. The case NSUB=2 is derived in section 9.21. The case NSUB=4 is derived in 9.22. The iterative function is recursively formed. This represents one Newton step followed by NSUB-1 chord Newton steps with the same derivative value. Input: iterate(x) parameter(nsub) function(f,f') Step: z := x dfx := f'(x) DO I=1, nsub fz := f(z) z := z-fz/dfx end do Output: iterate(z) order=nsub+1 3.3) a family of functions Traub, sections 8.22 and 9.31; pages 236-237, functions 2, 12, 13 Comments: Typical values for parameters c and d are: c = 1/2, d = 1, function 2 on page 236 order=3 c = 1/4, d = 2/3, function 12 on page 237 order=3 c = 5/12, d = 6/7, function 13 on page 237 order=3 Uses chord drawn at point on tangent line c*distance from original x and Newton iteration, parallel to tangent line at z. Input: iterate(x) parameter(c,d) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx z := x - d*u dfz := f'(z) x := x - (c*u + (1 - c)*fx/dfz) Output: iterate(x) 3.4) fourth method Traub, section 8.34; also see page 236, function 4. Comments: The iterative function is itself recursively formed. Input: iterate(x) parameter(nsub) function(f,f',f") Step: z := x fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) u := fx/dfx do I=1,NSUB fz := f(z) z := z - fz/(dfx - d2fx*u) end do Output: iterate(z) order=2*nsub c2=-f"/(2*f') c3=c2*((-f*(f"'/f'-(f"/f')**2))/(2*f') + (c2)**2) cj=((-f*(f"'/f'-(f"/f')**2))/(2*f'))(j-3)*c3, for j over 3 3.5) Newton-secant iterative function. Traub, sections 8.4 and 8.5; also see page 236, function 5 Comments: Intersection with the x-axis of the secant line through (x,f(x)) and (x-u,f(x-u)). Input: iterate(x) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx fxu := f(x - u) x := x - u + u*fxu/(fxu - fx) Output: iterate(x) order=3 3.6) a family of multipoint iteration functions Traub, section 8.4; see also page 236, functions 6 and 7. Comments: Typical values for the parameters a, b, c, and d are: a = 2, b = 3, c = 1, and d = 1, function 6 on page 236 order=3 a = 4, b = 7, c = 3, and d = 2/3, function 7 on page 236 order=3 Input: iterate(x) parameter(a,b,c,d) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx dfxu := f'(x - d*u) x := x - (u/(a*dfx))*(b*dfx - c*dfxu) Output: iterate(x) 3.7) seventh function Traub, section 8.4; see also page 237, function 8. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx dfxu := f'(x - (2/3)*u) x := x - 4*fx/(dfx + 3*dfxu) Output: iterate(x) order=3 3.8) eighth method Traub, section 8.5; see also page 237, function 9. Comments: Iteration is of fourth order even though it uses but two evaluations of f and one of f'. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx fxu := f(x - u) x := x - u + u*fxu/(2*fxu - fx) Output: iterate(x) order=4 3.9) type 1 functions Traub, sections 9.21 and 9.22; see also page 237, functions 10 and 11. Comments: Rho=0.5*(1-sqrt(5)). Typical values for the parameter A are: a = 0, function 10 on page 237 order=3 a = 1, function 11 on page 237 order=4 constant: rho = 0.5*(1 - sqrt(5.0)) Input: iterate(x) parameter(a) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx fxu := f(x+rho*u) z := x-fxu/(rho*rho*dfx) fz := f(z) x := z-a*fz/dfx Output: iterate(x) 3.10) tenth function Traub, section 9.32; see also page 237, function 14. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx dfxu := f'(x - u) z := x - 0.25*(u + fx/dfxu) dfz := f'(z) x := x - (1/6)*(u + fx/dfxu + 4*fx/dfz) Output: iterate(x) order=4 3.11) eleventh function Traub, section 9.32; see also page 238, function 15. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx dfxu := f'(x - u) z := x - (2/9)*(2*u + fx/dfxu) dfz := f'(z) x := x - 0.25*(u + 3*fx/dfz) Output: iterate(x) order=4 3.12) twelfth function Traub, section 9.32; see also page 238, function 16. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx dfxu := f'(x - (1/3)*u) z := x - 2*fx/(3*dfxu) dfz := f'(z) x := x - 0.25*(u + 3*fx/dfz) Output: iterate(x) order=4 3.13) a family of fourth order methods R F King, a family of fourth order methods for nonlinear equations, siam journal, vol 10, no. 5 (1973). Comments: Each method of the family is of fourth order and needs two function evaluations and one derivative per full step. Some common members of this family are with beta = 0, 1, and 2. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f') parameter(beta) Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) w := x - fx/dfx fw := f(w) uw := fw/dfx x := w - uw*(fx + beta*fw)/(fx + (beta-2)*fw) Output: iterate(x) order=4 3.14) fourteenth function P Jarratt, some fourth-order multipoint iterative methods for solving equations, mathematics of computation, volume 20, number 95 (1966) pages 434-437 Comments: Computationally attractive methods in problems where the evaluation of f'(x) is rapid compared with f(x). Such problems as when f(x) is defined by an integral. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx z := x - 2*u/3 dfx := f'(z) x := x - u/2 + fx/(dfx - 3*dfz) Output: iterate(x) order=4 ********************************************************************* 4) multiple roots, multiplicity given beforehand ********************************************************************* 4.1) script e2 method Traub, sections 7.3 and 7.4 Comments: This is the well-known modification of Newton's method for multiplicity M greater than or equal to 1. Input: iterate(x) parameter(m=multiplicity) function(f,f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx x := x - m*u Output: iterate(x) order=2 4.2) script e3 method Traub, sections 7.3 and 7.4 Input: iterate(x) parameter(m=multiplicity) function(f,f',f") Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) u := fx/dfx a2 := d2fx/(2*dfx) x := x - m*u*(0.5*(3 - m) + m*a2*u) Output: iterate(x) order=3 4.3) script e4 method Traub, sections 7.3 and 7.4. Input: iterate(x) parameter(m=multiplicity) function(f,f',f",f"') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) d3fx := f"'(x) u := fx/dfx a2 := d2fx/(2*dfx) a3 := d3fx/(6*dfx) x := x - m*u*((m*m - 6*m + 11)/6 + m*(2 - m)*a2*u + m*m*(2*a2*a2 - a3)*u*u) Output: iterate(x) order=4 4.4) *e1,1(f) method Traub, section 7.6 Comments: This algorithm behaves as though f were replaced by f**(1/m), so a root of multiplicity m becomes a simple root. The method is then the secant algorithm on the new function. Input: iterate(x) memory(x1,fx1) parameter(m=multiplicity) function(f) Step: fx := f(x)**(1/m) d := (fx-fx1)/(x-x1) xn := x - fx/d Output: memory(x,fx) iterate(x) order=0.5*(1+sqrt(5)) ********************************************************************* 5) multiple root, multiplicity to be determined ********************************************************************* 5.1) e2(u) method Traub, section 7.1; see also page 235, function 1. Comments: Newton's method with f replaced by U. E2 requires evaluation of f, f', f" at each step. Input: iterate(x) function(f,f',f") Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) d2fx := f"(x) u := fx/dfx m := (dfx*dfx)/(dfx*dfx-fx*d2fx) x := x-m*u Output: iterate(x) order=2 5.2) Phi 1,1 (u) method Traub, section 7.6 Comments: Same as Capital Phi 1,1(u). Input: iterate(x) memory(u1) function(f, f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx fu := f(u) fu1 := f(u1) m := (u-u1)/(fu-fu1) x := x-m*u Output: memory(u) iterate(x) order=(1+sqrt(5))/2 5.3) third function Traub, section 7.8; see also page 235, function 3 at bottom. Comments: The order of this iterative function is incommensurate with our scale. The quantity ln(f)/ln(u) converges to m. Input: iterate(x) function(f, f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx m := ln//fx///ln//u// x := x - u*m Output: iterate(x) convergence analysis: (ei+1/ei)*ln//ei// ~ - ln(m*//f(m)(6)/m!//1/m) 5.4) van de vel iteration Comments: If initial x is not close enough, m may become negative and diverge. Since m = 1 is most frequent, initial m of one is usually chosen. general root finding algorithm: 1) perform Newton or secant to get initial close guess. 2) iteration on x until m may be safely rounded to an integer. 3) once m is found refine approximation of 6 to one of basic iterations. Input: iterate(x, m) function(f, f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx z := x - m*u fz := f(z) dfz := f'(z) u1 := fz/dfz m := m*u/(u-u1) x := z - m*u1 Output: iterate(x,m) order=1+sqrt(5) 5.5) improved van de vel iteration Comments: One point method with memory. Algorithm begins with one preliminary quasi-Newton step: x1 = x - m*u. Input: iterate(x,m) memory(x1,u1) function(f, f') Step: fx := f(x) dfx := f'(x) u := fx/dfx m := m*u1/(u1-u) xn := x - m*u Output: memory(x,u) iterate(x,m) order=(1+sqrt(5))/2 ********************************************************************* 6) bisection methods ********************************************************************* 6.1) bisection Comments: Requires a change of sign interval. Guaranteed convergence, but requires K steps to get K accurate binary digits. Input: iterates(xpos,xneg) function(f) Step: step=0.5*(xpos-xneg) xnew=xneg+step fx=f(xnew) if(fx.gt.0.0)then xpos=xnew else xneg=xnew endif Output: iterates(xpos,xneg) 6.2) regula falsi Comments: Requires a change of sign interval. Guaranteed convergence, but it may be very slow, slower than bisection. Input: iterates(xpos,xneg) function(f) Step: step=-f(xneg)*(xpos-xneg)/(f(xpos)-f(xneg)) xnew=xneg+step fx=f(xnew) if(fx.gt.0.0)then xpos=xnew else xneg=xnew endif Output: iterates(xpos,xneg) 6.3) rheinboldt bisection-secant Comments: Requires a change of sign interval. Combines the guaranteed convergence of bisection with the speed of the secant method. Input: iterates(a,b) function(f) tolerance(abserr) init : i=0 t=0.5*abs(a-b) c=b Step: if(abs(f(a)).gt.abs(f(b))then c=a a=b b=c em=0.5*(b-a) if(abs(em).le.abserr)done p=(a-c)*f(a) q=f(c)-f(a) if(p.lt.0)then p=-p q=-q c=a i=i+1 if(i.le.3)go to 20 if(8*abs(em).gt.t)then a=a+em go to 22 else i=0 t=em if(p.le.abs(q)*tol)then a=a+sign(em)*abserr go to 22 20 if(p.lt.q*em)then a=a+p/q else a=a+em if(sign(f(a)).eq.sign(f(b))then b=c 22 done step Output: iterates(a,b) 6.4) rheinboldt bisection-secant-inverse quadratic Comments: Requires a change of sign interval. Combines the guaranteed convergence of bisection with the speed of the secant and inverse quadratic methods. Input: iterates(a,b) function(f) tolerance(abserr) init: i=0 t=0.5*abs(a-b) c=b Step: if(abs(f(a)).gt.abs(f(b))then c=a a=b b=c em=0.5*(b-a) if(abs(em).le.abserr)done set up secant or regula falsi step if(2*abs(c-a).lt.abs(b-a))then ps=(a-c)*f(a) qs=f(c)-f(a) else ps=(a-b)*f(a) qs=f(b)-f(a) if(ps.lt.0)then ps=-ps qs=-qs set up inverse quadratic step piq=0.0 qiq=0.0 if(b.ne.c)then u=f(a)/f(c) v=f(c)/f(b) w=f(a)/f(b) piq=u*(2.0*em*v*(v-w)-(a-c)*(w-1.0)) qiq=(u-1.0)*(v-1.0)*(w-1.0) if(piq.gt.0.0)qiq=-qiq piq=abs(piq) save old minimal point, check for forced bisection c=a i=i+1 if(i.le.3)go to 20 if(8*abs(em).gt.t)then a=a+em go to 22 else i=0 t=em choose step of highest order that stays within interval and is not too large or small stpmin=(abs(a)+abs(em)+1)*abserr 20 if(piq.lt.1.5*em*qiq.and.abs(piq).gt.abs(qiq)*stpmin)then step=piq/qiq else if(ps.lt.qs*em.and.abs(ps).gt.abs(qs)*stpmin)then a=a+ps/qs else a=a+em if(sign(f(a)).eq.sign(f(b))then b=c 22 done step Output: iterates(a,b)