
triangle_test, an Octave code which calls triangle(), which computes properties of a triangle, including angles, area, centroid, circumcircle, edge lengths, incircle, orientation, orthocenter, quality, Cartesian to barycentric coordinates, barycentric coordinates to Cartesian. A point is treated as a (1,2) array, a list of points as an (n,2) array, and a triangle as a (3,2) array.


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Related Data and Programs:

triangle, an Octave code which computes properties of a triangle, including angles, area, centroid, circumcircle, edge lengths, incircle, orientation, orthocenter, quality, Cartesian to barycentric coordinates, barycentric coordinates to Cartesian. A point is treated as a (1,2) array, a list of points as an (n,2) array, and a triangle as a (3,2) array.

Source Code:

Last revised on 29 July 2023.