05-Jan-2023 10:28:10 sort_rc_test(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 Test sort_rc(). sort_rc_i4vec_test(): sort_rc() sorts objects externally. This function relies on the use of persistent data stored internally. Unsorted array: 1: 3 2: 11 3: 1 4: 4 5: 1 6: 3 7: 16 8: 17 9: 8 10: 20 11: 18 12: 14 13: 11 14: 15 15: 11 16: 6 17: 19 18: 18 19: 5 20: 16 Sorted array: 1: 1 2: 1 3: 3 4: 3 5: 4 6: 5 7: 6 8: 8 9: 11 10: 11 11: 11 12: 14 13: 15 14: 16 15: 16 16: 17 17: 18 18: 18 19: 19 20: 20 sort_safe_rc_i4vec_test(): sort_safe_rc() sorts objects externally. This function does not use persistent memory. Unsorted array: 1: 1 2: 9 3: 8 4: 11 5: 12 6: 20 7: 5 8: 3 9: 18 10: 7 11: 11 12: 1 13: 18 14: 8 15: 3 16: 4 17: 3 18: 10 19: 15 20: 11 Sorted array: 1: 1 2: 1 3: 3 4: 3 5: 3 6: 4 7: 5 8: 7 9: 8 10: 8 11: 9 12: 10 13: 11 14: 11 15: 11 16: 12 17: 15 18: 18 19: 18 20: 20 sort_rc_test(): Normal end of execution. 05-Jan-2023 10:28:10