22-May-2024 19:07:08 sigmoid_derivative_test(): MATLAB/Octave version 6.4.0 Test sigmoid_derivative. sigmoid_derivative_coef_test(): sigmoid_derivative_coef() returns the coefficients of the expansion of the nth derivative of the sigmoid function in terms of powers of the sigmoid function. s^(0)(x) = +1.000000 * s(x) s^(1)(x) = +1.000000 * s(x) -1.000000 * s(x)^2 s^(2)(x) = +1.000000 * s(x) -3.000000 * s(x)^2 +2.000000 * s(x)^3 s^(3)(x) = +1.000000 * s(x) -7.000000 * s(x)^2 +12.000000 * s(x)^3 -6.000000 * s(x)^4 s^(4)(x) = +1.000000 * s(x) -15.000000 * s(x)^2 +50.000000 * s(x)^3 -60.000000 * s(x)^4 +24.000000 * s(x)^5 sigmoid_derivative_value_test(): sigmoid_derivative_value() evaluates the nth derivative of the sigmoid function at the location x. Graphics saved as "sigmoid_derivative_0.png" Graphics saved as "sigmoid_derivative_1.png" Graphics saved as "sigmoid_derivative_2.png" Graphics saved as "sigmoid_derivative_3.png" sigmoid_derivative_test: Normal end of execution. 22-May-2024 19:07:09