12-Oct-2020 08:16:53 normal_ode_test: MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 normal_ode() defines an ODE for the normal PDF. Solve this ODE using the Euler method. Estimate ODE approximation error by taking twice as many steps. Solution used 100 and 200 steps Estimated RMS error = 0.0357045 Exact RMS error = 0.128964 At the point t = 5, Y estimate = 2.79285e-08 Y double step estimate = 2.29528e-07 Y exact value = 1.48672e-06 Y error estimate = 2.016e-07 Y exact error = 1.45879e-06 normal_ode_test: Normal end of execution. 12-Oct-2020 08:16:55