08-Jan-2023 13:12:15 grfl_display_test(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 Test grf_display(). grf_display(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 Read a GRF file describing an abstract graph, and plot it. The number of nodes NODE_NUM = 28 The number of edges EDGE_NUM = 84 Graphics saved as "coxeter.png" grf_display(): Normal end of execution. grf_display(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 Read a GRF file describing an abstract graph, and plot it. The number of nodes NODE_NUM = 8 The number of edges EDGE_NUM = 12 Graphics saved as "disconnected.png" grf_display(): Normal end of execution. grf_display(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 Read a GRF file describing an abstract graph, and plot it. The number of nodes NODE_NUM = 10 The number of edges EDGE_NUM = 32 Graphics saved as "mst.png" grf_display(): Normal end of execution. grf_display(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 Read a GRF file describing an abstract graph, and plot it. The number of nodes NODE_NUM = 5 The number of edges EDGE_NUM = 8 Graphics saved as "simple.png" grf_display(): Normal end of execution. grf_display(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 Read a GRF file describing an abstract graph, and plot it. The number of nodes NODE_NUM = 5 The number of edges EDGE_NUM = 20 Graphics saved as "tsp.png" grf_display(): Normal end of execution. grf_display_test(): Normal end of execution. 08-Jan-2023 13:12:18