30-Jul-2020 16:16:02 CAFFEINE_PREPARE: MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2: Read a country/cataract rate/caffeine intake CSV file. Write a cataract rate/caffeine intake TXT file. Data saved to file "caffeine_data.txt" CAFFEINE_PREPARE: Normal end of execution. 30-Jul-2020 16:16:02 30-Jul-2020 16:16:03 CAFFEINE_SCATTER: MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2: Read a data file of cataract incidence versus caffeine intake. Display the data as a scatter plot. Read 43 data records from the file. Graphics data saved in "caffeine_scatter.png" CAFFEINE_SCATTER: Normal end of execution. 30-Jul-2020 16:16:09