10-Oct-2020 19:19:20 fsolve_test MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 fsolve() seeks a solution x of one or more nonlinear equations f(x)=0. In MATLAB, fsolve() is in the Optimization toolbox. In Octave, a version of fsolve() is directly available. fsolve_test01 Use fsolve() to solve a scalar nonlinear equation. Initial: F(1.5708) = 0.214602 Final: F(1.89549) = -4.63403e-08 Expected: F(1.89549) = 0 Initial: F(0) = -1 Final: F(0.351734) = -2.72082e-09 Expected: F(0.351734) = 0 Initial: F(-1) = -2.71828 Final: F(-4.03966e-113) = -4.03966e-113 Expected: F(0) = 0 Initial: F(0.03) = -10.0807 Final: F(0.0953446) = -1.99935e-07 Expected: F(0.0953446) = -2.22045e-16 Initial: F(0) = -0.0872665 Final: F(22.6566) = 3.60738e-08 Expected: F(22.675) = 8.41075e-05 fsolve_test02 Use fsolve() to solve systems of nonlinear equations. # ------------------------------------------Title N ||F(start)|| ||F(root)|| 1 Generalized Rosenbrock function 10 4.91935 1.98093 2 Powell singular function 4 14.6629 7.308e-14 3 Powell badly scaled function 2 1.06549 0.00236243 4 Wood function 4 8550.56 4.72484e-07 5 Helical valley function 3 50 8.46601e-08 fsolve_test Normal end of execution. 10-Oct-2020 19:19:20