
exm_test, an Octave code which calls exm(), which contains scripts and data discussed in the electronic textbook "Experiments with Matlab", by Cleve Moler, including easter, Fast Fourier Transforms, Fibonacci numbers, the fractal fern, the game of Life, magic matrices, the Mandelbrot set, Morse code, Music, Ordinary Differential Equations, the page rank algorithm, planetary orbits, predator prey equations, the shallow water equations, Sudoku puzzles.


The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license

Related Data and Programs:

exm, an Octave code which contains scripts and data discussed in the electronic textbook "Experiments with Matlab", by Cleve Moler, including easter, Fast Fourier Transforms, Fibonacci numbers, the fractal fern, the game of Life, magic matrices, the Mandelbrot set, Morse code, Music, Ordinary Differential Equations, the page rank algorithm, planetary orbits, predator prey equations, the shallow water equations, Sudoku puzzles.

Source Code:

Last revised on 02 July 2023.