26-May-2021 09:09:06 conservation_ode_test(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 conservation_ode() reports on the accuracy of an ODE solver by monitoring the value of a quantity that should be conserved. pendulum_euler(): Use euler() to solve the pendulum ODE. Number of equal steps = 200 Graphics saved as "pendulum_euler_plot.png" Graphics saved as "pendulum_euler_phase.png" Graphics saved as "pendulum_euler_conservation.png" predator_prey_rk4(): Use rk4() to solve the predator-prey ODE. Number of equal steps = 2500 Graphics saved as "predator_prey_rk4_plot.png" Graphics saved as "predator_prey_rk4_phase.png" Graphics saved as "predator_prey_rk4_conservation.png" rigid_body_midpoint(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 Solve rigid_body_ode using the midpoint method. rigid_body_ode() models motion on the surface of a sphere. Number of equal steps n = 101 Graphics saved as "rigid_body_midpoint_plot.png" Graphics saved as "rigid_body_midpoint_plot3d.png" Graphics saved as "rigid_body_midpoint_h1.png" Graphics saved as "rigid_body_midpoint_h2.png" conservation_ode_test(): Normal end of execution. 26-May-2021 09:09:10