02-Apr-2024 22:01:45 closest_pair_brute_test() MATLAB/Octave version 6.4.0 Test closest_pair_brute(). closest_pair_brute_test01(): closest_pair_brute() on a set of N points in 2D. n = 100 time = 0.0262001 seconds z(42) = 0.267565 + 0.404116i z(93) = 0.268528 + 0.399064i ||z(42)-z(93)|| = 0.00514273 closest_pair_brute_test01(): closest_pair_brute() on a set of N points in 2D. n = 200 time = 0.103979 seconds z(43) = 0.585051 + 0.677272i z(181) = 0.579856 + 0.677604i ||z(43)-z(181)|| = 0.00520499 closest_pair_brute_test01(): closest_pair_brute() on a set of N points in 2D. n = 400 time = 0.423643 seconds z(104) = 0.55881 + 0.218162i z(382) = 0.559466 + 0.219758i ||z(104)-z(382)|| = 0.00172523 closest_pair_brute_test01(): closest_pair_brute() on a set of N points in 2D. n = 800 time = 1.66998 seconds z(96) = 0.797779 + 0.602333i z(277) = 0.797624 + 0.604093i ||z(96)-z(277)|| = 0.00176644 closest_pair_brute_test01(): closest_pair_brute() on a set of N points in 2D. n = 1600 time = 6.70995 seconds z(689) = 0.657301 + 0.538701i z(1032) = 0.656572 + 0.538772i ||z(689)-z(1032)|| = 0.000732586 closest_pair_brute_test01(): closest_pair_brute() on a set of N points in 2D. n = 3200 time = 27.5243 seconds z(153) = 0.469807 + 0.162152i z(2781) = 0.469863 + 0.162329i ||z(153)-z(2781)|| = 0.000185798 Graphics saved as "closest_pairs_brute.png" closest_pair_brute_test(): Normal end of execution. 02-Apr-2024 22:02:22