Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox Previous page


Optimizes the sparse grid interpolant using the CG method. Recommended for optimizing polynomial sparse grids (Chebyshev grid). It is discouraged to apply this method to piecewise linear sparse grids since they are not smooth enough for the algorithm to perform well (use spcompsearch instead for these grid types).


X = spcgsearch(Z)
X = spcgsearch(Z,XBOX)
X = spcgsearch(Z,XBOX,OPTIONS)
[X,FVAL] = spcgsearch(...)
[X,FVAL,EXITFLAG] = spcgsearch(...)
[X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = spcgsearch(...)


X = spcgsearch(Z) Starts the search at the best available sparse grid point and attempts to find a local minimizer of the sparse grid interpolant Z. The entire range of the sparse grid interpolant is searched.

X = spcgsearch(Z,XBOX) Uses the search box XBOX = [a1, b1; a2, b2; ...]. The size of search box XBOX must be smaller than or equal to the range of the interpolant.

X = spcgsearch(Z,XBOX,OPTIONS) Minimizes with the default optimization parameters replaced by values in the structure OPTIONS, created with the spoptimset function. See spoptimset for details.

[X,FVAL] = spcgsearch(...) Returns the value of the sparse grid interpolant at X.

[X,FVAL,EXITFLAG] = spcgsearch(...) Returns an EXITFLAG that describes the exit condition of spcgsearch. Possible values of EXITFLAG and the corresponding exit conditions are

[X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = spcgsearch(...) Returns a structure OUTPUT with the number of function evaluations in OUTPUT.nFEvals, the number of gradients in .nGradEvals, and the computing time in .time.


Usually, the objective function will be expensive to evaluate. Here, we just consider the well-known the six-hump camel-back for function simplicity.

f = @(x,y) (4-2.1.*x.^2+x.^4./3).*x.^2+x.*y+(-4+4.*y.^2).*y.^2;

Before applying the spcgsearch algorithm, we need to create a sparse grid interpolant of the objective function. This is done as usual using the spvals algorithm.

In preparation to calling spvals, we first set up the interpolant construction with adequate parameters. A conjugate gradient (CG) line search algorithm uses derivatives to determine the search direction, it best to use the smooth Chebyshev grid in order to obtain an interpolant with accurate, smooth derivatives. Furthermore, it is useful to keep the function values as they can be used by the optimization algorithm to select good starting values for the optimization.

options = spset('keepFunctionValues','on', 'GridType', 'Chebyshev', ...
  'DimensionAdaptive', 'on', 'DimAdaptDegree', 1, 'MinPoints', 10);

We construct the interpolant for the range that we are interested in optimizing the objective function for.

range = [-3 3; -2 2];

Now, we are ready to construct the sparse grid interpolant.

z = spvals(f, 2, range, options)
z = 
               vals: {[37x1 double]}
           gridType: 'Chebyshev'
                  d: 2
              range: [2x2 double]
        estRelError: 6.7208e-16
        estAbsError: 1.1013e-13
         fevalRange: [-0.9706 162.9000]
         minGridVal: [0.5000 0.6913]
         maxGridVal: [0 0]
            nPoints: 37
          fevalTime: 0.0690
    surplusCompTime: 0.3137
            indices: [1x1 struct]
           maxLevel: [4 3]
      activeIndices: [4x1 uint32]
     activeIndices2: [11x1 uint32]
                  E: [Inf 108.9000 48 48.6000 10.7392 6 16.0000 7.1054e-15 1.1013e-13 7.1054e-15 1.4211e-14]
                  G: [11x1 double]
                 G2: [11x1 double]
       maxSetPoints: 4
           dimAdapt: 1
              fvals: {[37x1 double]}

Having obtained the interpolant, we can now search for the minimizer using spcgsearch. This is achieved by simply calling

[xopt, fval] = spcgsearch(z)
xopt =
fval =

There are multiple ways of configuring the search using an options structure defined with spoptimset. For instance, you can display information at each iteration. Additional information on the optimization can be obtained by specifying optional left-hand parameters:

optoptions = spoptimset('Display', 'iter');
[xopt, fval, exitflag, output] = spcgsearch(z, [], optoptions)
 Iteration   Func-count Grad-count     f(x)            Procedure
     0            1         1        -0.970563         start point
     1           10         1           -1.024         line search
     2           17         2         -1.03161         line search
     3           24         3         -1.03163         line search
     4           29         4         -1.03163         line search
xopt =
fval =
exitflag =
output = 
       nFEvals: 29
    nGradEvals: 4
          time: 0.2737

See Also
