
shallow_water_1d_movie_test, a MATLAB code which calls shallow_water_1d_movie(), which solves the partial differential equation (PDE) known as the shallow water equations (SWE), converting the solutions to a sequence of graphics frames, which are then assembled into a movie.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license

Related Data and Programs:

shallow_water_1d, a MATLAB code which solves the partial differential equation (PDE) known as the shallow water equations (SWE), converting the solutions to a sequence of graphics frames, which are then assembled into a movie.

Source Code:

An internal switch was modified so that the code used periodic boundary conditions, and quicktime was used to create MOV animations.

An internal switch was modified so that the code used reflective boundary conditions, and quicktime was used to create MOV animations.

Last modified on 08 December 2020.