Home License -- for personal use only. Not for government, academic, research, commercial, or other organizational use. 15-Jan-2025 21:09:50 polygon_sample_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 Test polygon_sample(), which uniformly samples points in a polygon. Number of points N = 1000 Number of vertices NV = 18 Polygonal vertices: 0 0 10 7 12 3 20 8 13 17 10 12 12 14 14 9 8 10 6 14 10 15 7 18 0 16 1 13 3 15 5 8 -2 9 5 5 Graphics saved as "polygon_sample.png" polygon_sample_test(): Normal end of execution. 15-Jan-2025 21:09:57