08-Jan-2022 08:54:09 plasma_matrix_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 Test plasma_matrix() plasma_matrix_test01(): Linear order of spatial grid = 5 Number of grid points is 25 Approximate number of nonzero matrix entries is 125. Full storage matrix would require 625 entries. Sparsity image saved as "plasma_5_sparsity.png" Norm of solution is 0.315693 Matrix and right hand side saved in Harwell-Boeing format file "plasma_5_rua.txt" After writing the linear system to a file, and retrieving it, the norm of the solution is 0.315693 plasma_matrix_test01(): Linear order of spatial grid = 100 Number of grid points is 10000 Approximate number of nonzero matrix entries is 50000. Full storage matrix would require 100000000 entries. Sparsity image saved as "plasma_100_sparsity.png" Norm of solution is 29.5723 Matrix and right hand side saved in Harwell-Boeing format file "plasma_100_rua.txt" After writing the linear system to a file, and retrieving it, the norm of the solution is 29.5723 plasma_matrix_test02(): Linear order of spatial grid = 100 Number of grid points is 10000 Approximate number of nonzero matrix entries is 50000. Full storage matrix would require 100000000 entries. Norm of backslash solution is 29.5723 bicg stopped at iteration 20 without converging to the desired tolerance 1e-06 because the maximum number of iterations was reached. The iterate returned (number 20) has relative residual 0.025. Norm of bicg solution is 24.6296 bicg converged at iteration 39 to a solution with relative residual 7.5e-07. Norm of bicg+ilu solution is 29.5723 plasma_matrix_test(): Normal end of execution. 08-Jan-2022 08:54:16