07-Jan-2022 23:25:28 outliers_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 Test outliers(). APTITUDE_TEST: MATLAB version Read and plot data for 20 employees, recording their scores on a business aptitude test, versus their average monthly sales results. In most cases, the quantities seem correlated, but there seem to be several outliers. ID Score Sales 1 73 62243 2 34 67445 3 84 55767 4 71 50240 5 61 46772 6 65 41389 7 92 40102 8 65 37655 9 45 34241 10 74 31498 11 53 31400 12 65 30084 13 45 29751 14 50 27782 15 41 26997 16 45 24408 17 29 21126 18 38 18665 19 78 12505 20 34 9449 Graphics saved as "aptitude_test.png" APTITUDE_TEST: Normal end of execution. FIFTEEN_BAR: MATLAB version Read a text file of 15 values, and create a bar plot that will expose outliers as short or tall bars. Index Value Outlier? 1 57 0 2 59 0 3 60 0 4 100 1 5 59 0 6 58 0 7 57 0 8 58 0 9 300 1 10 61 0 11 62 0 12 60 0 13 6 1 14 58 0 15 57 0 Graphics saved as "fifteen_bar.png" FIFTEEN_BAR: Normal end of execution. GLASSWARE_3X3: MATLAB version Read a noisy black-and-white image. Clean it up by replacing each pixel by the median of its 3x3 neighborhood. Graphics saved as "glassware_3x3.png" GLASSWARE_3X3: Normal end of execution. LOGISTIC: MATLAB version Set up data by sampling a logistic function, but adding random noise. Perturb several values. Because these perturbations are not extreme, a simple outlier test will not work. However, MATLAB offers a moving average, which compares each Y data value to a local average. Graphics saved as "logistic.png" LOGISTIC: Normal end of execution. MATRIX_BAR3: MATLAB version Read a text file of a 5x6 array of data values. Create a 3D bar plot to show outliers. Call outliers() to find row and column outliers. Data matrix: 24 1 8 15 12 287 326 293 280 222 150 254 25 7 14 16 18 293 12 19 1 3 9 280 18 25 102 7 27 40 Column outliers marked by "1" 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Row outliers marked by "1" 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Graphics saved as "matrix_bar3.png" MATRIX_BAR3: Normal end of execution. NINETY_HISTOGRAM: MATLAB version Read a text file of 90 values, and create a histogram that will expose outliers as isolated values. Number of outliers detected = 1 # Index Value 1 90 1441 Graphics saved as "ninety_histogram.png" NINETY_HISTOGRAM: Normal end of execution. SINE_CURVE: MATLAB version Set up data defining a sine curve, but perturb several data values. Because these perturbations are not extreme, a simple outlier test will not work. However, MATLAB offers a moving average, which compares each Y data value to a local average, and this works. Graphics saved as "sine_curve.png" SINE_CURVE: Normal end of execution. outliers_test(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 23:25:35