07-Jan-2022 23:16:24 netcdf_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 Test netcdf() PRES_TEMP_4D_WRITE: Create two 4D arrays of pressure and temperature, and write them to a NETCDF file. The data was written to the file "pres_temp_4D.nc". PRES_TEMP_4D_WRITE: Normal end of execution. PRES_TEMP_4D_READ: Read 4D arrays of pressure and temperature from a NETCDF file. The LAT data is correct. The LON data is correct. The PRESS data is correct. The TEMP data is correct. The data was read from the file "pres_temp_4D.nc". PRES_TEMP_4D_READ: Normal end of execution. SFC_PRES_TEMP_WRITE: Create 2D arrays of pressure and temperature, and write them to a NETCDF file. The data was written to the file "sfc_pres_temp.nc". SFC_PRES_TEMP_WRITE: Normal end of execution. SFC_PRES_TEMP_READ: Read 2D arrays of pressure and temperature from a NETCDF file. The file properties are correct. The LAT data is correct. The LON data is correct. The PRESS data is correct. The TEMP data is correct. The units data is correct. The data was read from the file "sfc_pres_temp.nc". SFC_PRES_TEMP_RD: Normal end of execution. SIMPLE_XY_WRITE: Create a small 2D array and write it to a NETCDF file. The data was written to the file "simple_xy.nc". SIMPLE_XY_WRITE: Normal end of execution. SIMPLE_XY_READ: Read a small 2D array from a NETCDF file. The data is correct. The data was read from the file "simple_xy.nc". SIMPLE_XY_READ: Normal end of execution. netcdf_test(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 23:16:24