Home License -- for personal use only. Not for government, academic, research, commercial, or other organizational use. 16-Nov-2024 10:40:25 knapsack_rational_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7. Test knapsack_rational(). knapsack_rational_tester(): knapsack_rational() solves the rational knapsack problem. Object, Profit, Mass, "Profit Density" 1 24.000 12.000 2.000 2 13.000 7.000 1.857 3 23.000 11.000 2.091 4 15.000 8.000 1.875 5 16.000 9.000 1.778 After reordering by Profit Density: Object, Profit, Mass, "Profit Density" 1 23.000 11.000 2.091 2 24.000 12.000 2.000 3 15.000 8.000 1.875 4 13.000 7.000 1.857 5 16.000 9.000 1.778 Total mass restriction is 26.000000 Object, Density, Choice, Profit, Mass 1 2.091 1.000 23.000 11.000 2 2.000 1.000 24.000 12.000 3 1.875 0.375 5.625 3.000 4 1.857 0.000 0.000 0.000 5 1.778 0.000 0.000 0.000 Total: 52.625 26.000 knapsack_reorder_test(): knapsack_reorder() reorders knapsack data. Object, Profit, Mass, "Profit Density" 1 24.000 12.000 2.000 2 13.000 7.000 1.857 3 23.000 11.000 2.091 4 15.000 8.000 1.875 5 16.000 9.000 1.778 After reordering by Profit Density: Object, Profit, Mass, "Profit Density" 1 23.000 11.000 2.091 2 24.000 12.000 2.000 3 15.000 8.000 1.875 4 13.000 7.000 1.857 5 16.000 9.000 1.778 knapsack_rational_test(): Normal end of execution. 16-Nov-2024 10:40:25