07-Jan-2022 21:43:46 histogram_pdf_sample_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 Test histogram_pdf_sample(). CHEBYSHEV1_TEST: From the Chebyshev1 PDF formula, create a histogram that can be used for approximation. Saving graphics as "chebyshev1_pdf.png" Saving graphics as "chebyshev1_cdf.png" Saving graphics as "chebyshev1_histogram.png" CHEBYSHEV2_TEST: From the Chebyshev2 PDF formula, create a histogram that can be used for approximation. Saving graphics as "chebyshev2_pdf.png" Saving graphics as "chebyshev2_cdf.png" Saving graphics as "chebyshev2_histogram.png" CHEBYSHEV13_TEST: From the Chebyshev13 PDF formula, create a histogram that can be used for approximation. Saving graphics as "chebyshev13_pdf.png" Saving graphics as "chebyshev13_cdf.png" Saving graphics as "chebyshev13_histogram.png" histogram_pdf_sample_test(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 21:43:52