histogram_pdf_2d_sample 24-Aug-2016 08:16:30 HISTOGRAM_PDF_2D_SAMPLE: MATLAB version Generate a discrete probability structure from a continuous PDF defined over a 2D region. SQUARE_SQRT_TEST Region [-1,+1]x[0,1]. PDF(X,Y)=(1-X^2)*SQRT(Y) Use M1xM2=20x10 grid of rectangles Generate 1000 samples Wrote sample data to file "square_sqrt.txt". CHEBYSHEV_PDF_TEST Region [-1,+1]x[0,1]. PDF(X,Y)=1/sqrt(1-X^2)/sqrt(1-Y^2) Use M1xM2=20x20 grid of rectangles Generate 1000 samples Wrote sample data to file "chebyshev.txt". HISTOGRAM_PDF_2D_SAMPLE: Normal end of execution. 24-Aug-2016 08:16:30 diary off