07-Jan-2022 20:57:48 grid_display_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 Test grid_display(). Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 1 Number of points POINT_NUM = 7 Plot saved as graphics file "grid_1d.png" Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points POINT_NUM = 321 Plot saved as graphics file "grid_2d.png" Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 3 Number of points POINT_NUM = 69 Plot saved as graphics file "grid_3d.png" Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 3 Number of points POINT_NUM = 25 Plot saved as graphics file "grid_3d.png" grid_display_test(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 20:57:53