Home License -- for personal use only. Not for government, academic, research, commercial, or other organizational use. 14-Sep-2024 17:20:08 fisher_pde_ftcs(): Solve the KPP Fisher PDE using ftcs() du/dt = uxx + u * ( 1 - u ) over the spatial interval: 0 <= x <= 1 and time interval 0 <= t <= 0.05 with boundary conditions: u(0) = ( cos(100*t(j)) + 1.5 ) / 2.5 (Dirichlet) u'(1) = 0.0 (Neumann) and initial condition u(0,x) = cos(10*x). Space steps = 51 Space interval is [0,1] Space increment is 0.02 Time steps = 801 Time interval is [0,0.05] Time increment is 6.25e-05 Graphics saved as "fisher_pde_ftcs_initial.png" Graphics saved as "fisher_pde_ftcs_final.png" Movie saved as "fisher_pde_ftcs.avi" fisher_pde_ftcs(): Normal end of execution. 14-Sep-2024 17:20:36