07-Jan-2022 19:16:48 etdrk4_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2. Test etdrk4(). allencahn_etdrk4_test(): allencahn_etdrk4() solves the Allen-Cahn equation using the ETDRK4 method. Graphics saved as "allencahn_etdrk4_test.png" allencahn_euler_test(): allencahn_euler() solves the Allen-Cahn equations using the Euler method. Graphics saved as "allencahn_euler_test.png" burgers_etdrk4_test(): burgers_etdrk4() solves the Burgers equation using the etdrk4 method. Graphics saved as "burgers_etdrk4_test.png" cheb_test(): cheb() carries out Chebyshev differentiation. The Chebyshev points: 1: 1 2: 0.809017 3: 0.309017 4: -0.309017 5: -0.809017 6: -1 The Chebyshev differentiation matrix: Col: 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 : 8.5 -10.4721 2.89443 -1.52786 1.10557 2 : 2.61803 -1.17082 -2 0.894427 -0.618034 3 : -0.723607 2 -0.17082 -1.61803 0.894427 4 : 0.381966 -0.894427 1.61803 0.17082 -2 5 : -0.276393 0.618034 -0.894427 2 1.17082 6 : 0.5 -1.10557 1.52786 -2.89443 10.4721 Col: 6 Row 1 : -0.5 2 : 0.276393 3 : -0.381966 4 : 0.723607 5 : -2.61803 6 : -8.5 cheb_plot_test(): cheb() carries out Chebyshev differentiation. Here, demonstrate differentation of a smooth function. Graphics saved as "cheb_plot_test.png" kdv_etdrk4_test(): kdv_etdrk4() solves the Korteweg-deVries equation using the etdrk4 method. Graphics saved as "kdv_etdrk4_test.png" kdv_ift_test(): kdv_ift() solves the Korteweg-deVries equation using the FFT method with an integrating factor. Graphics saved as "kdv_ift_test.png" kursiv_etdrk4_test() kursiv_etdrk4() solves the Kuratomo-Sivashinsky equation using the ETDRK4 method. Graphics saved as "kursiv_etdrk4_test.png" etdrk4_test(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 19:17:05