07-Jan-2022 19:04:43 discrete_pdf_sample_2d_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 Test DISCRETE_PDF_SAMPLE_2D(). discrete_pdf_sample_2d_test01(): Consider data skewed toward the upper left corner of the unit square. Generate 1000 samples PDF data is on a 20 by 20 grid. PDF data sums to 2.8823 Wrote sample data to file "discrete_pdf_sample_2d_test01.txt". discrete_pdf_sample_2d_test02() Consider data suggested by the shape and density of Iowa. Generate 1000 samples PDF data is on a 12 by 8 grid. PDF data sums to 3200 Wrote sample data to file "discrete_pdf_sample_2d_test02.txt". DISCRETE_PDF_SAMPLE_2D(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 19:04:43