07-Jan-2022 18:31:58 CVTM_1D_TEST(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2. Test CVTM_1D(). 07-Jan-2022 18:31:58 CVTM_1D MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 Estimate a periodic centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVTP) in the 1D periodic unit interval [0,1]. The CVTP will have G_NUM generators. There will be IT_NUM iterations taken. Each iteration will consider S_NUM sample points. Number of generators is 10 Number of iterations is 400 Number of samples is 100000 Using random initial generators Initial generators: 0 0.0975404 1 0.126987 2 0.278498 3 0.546882 4 0.632359 5 0.814724 6 0.905792 7 0.913376 8 0.957507 9 0.964889 Final generators: 0 0 1 0.111605 2 0.222373 3 0.333486 4 0.444927 5 0.555977 6 0.66648 7 0.776869 8 0.888442 9 1 CVTM_1D Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 18:32:06 CVTM_1D_TEST(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 18:32:06