07-Jan-2022 18:25:50 cvt_corn_movie_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 cvt_corn_movie() makes a movie in which the growth of a corn kernel is simulated using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) techniques. Parameter values: 30 = NB, number of points on boundary 60 = NI, number of point in interior 90 = NP, total number of points 10000 = NS, number of sample points for Lloyd's algorithm 0.050000 = PR_BUD, probability a boundary point creates a bud. 0.300000 = PR_BUD_ANGULAR, probability a boundary bud is constrained to the boundary. 1.000000 = R, initial radius of circular corn kernel: Movie saved as "cvt_corn_movie.avi" cvt_corn_movie_test(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 18:28:51