07-Jan-2022 18:15:09 COSINE_TRANSFORM_TEST MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2. Test COSINE_TRANSFORM. COSINE_TRANSFORM_TEST01: COSINE_TRANSFORM_DATA does a cosine transform of data defined by a vector. Apply the transform, then its inverse. Let R be a random N vector. Let S be the transform of D. Let T be the transform of E. Then R and T will be equal. I R(I) S(I) T(I) 1 0.814724 2.789966 0.814724 2 0.905792 -0.053403 0.905792 3 0.126987 0.622964 0.126987 4 0.913376 -0.319687 0.913376 5 0.632359 0.184372 0.632359 6 0.097540 0.471540 0.097540 7 0.278498 -0.009641 0.278498 8 0.546882 -0.309121 0.546882 9 0.957507 -0.457203 0.957507 10 0.964889 -0.149534 0.964889 COSINE_TRANSFORM_TEST Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 18:15:09