07-Jan-2022 18:11:01 cnoise_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 Test cnoise(). cnoise_test01(): Test F_ALPHA_GAUSSIAN. Noise is generated from a Gaussian distribution with a specified variance. Number of realizations M = 10000 Dimension of noise vector N = 10000 Noise exponent ALPHA = 1.000000 Variance of Gaussian distribution VAR = 1.000000 Scale factor SCALE = 1.000000 Mean value of noise = -0.004831 STD of noise = 0.799829 Computation time = 7.308914 seconds cnoise_test02(): Test F_ALPHA_TGAUSSIAN. Noise is generated from a truncated Gaussian distribution with a specified variance and range. Number of realizations M = 10000 Dimension of noise vector N = 10000 Noise exponent ALPHA = 1.000000 Variance of Gaussian distribution VAR = 1.000000 Truncated range = [ -1.000000, 1.000000 ] Scale factor SCALE = 1.000000 Mean value of noise = -0.006726 STD of noise = 0.576068 Computation time = 7.964679 seconds cnoise_test03(): Test F_ALPHA_UNIFORM. Noise is generated from a Gaussian distribution with a specified variance. Number of realizations M = 10000 Dimension of noise vector N = 10000 Noise exponent ALPHA = 1.000000 Range of the distribution = [-1.000000,1.000000] Scale factor SCALE = 1.000000 Mean value of noise = 0.001629 STD of noise = 0.800039 Computation time = 6.704917 seconds cnoise_test(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 18:11:23