07-Jan-2022 17:59:17 cgne_test MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2. Test cgne(). cgne_helmert Test cgne() on the Helmert matrix. Number of variables N = 10 Estimated condition number = 1 Norm of residual ||Ax-b|| = 8.30815e-16 Norm of error ||x1-x2|| = 7.41131e-16 cgne_lesp Test cgne() on the Lesp matrix. Number of variables N = 100 Estimated condition number = 67.4852 Full iteration number = 1 Norm of residual ||Ax-b|| = 0.473713 Norm of error ||x1-x2|| = 0.0553679 Full iteration number = 2 Norm of residual ||Ax-b|| = 0.0076655 Norm of error ||x1-x2|| = 0.00109465 Full iteration number = 3 Norm of residual ||Ax-b|| = 0.000196322 Norm of error ||x1-x2|| = 2.89797e-05 Full iteration number = 4 Norm of residual ||Ax-b|| = 5.28589e-06 Norm of error ||x1-x2|| = 7.68162e-07 cgne_invol Test cgne() on the invol matrix. Number of variables N = 20 Estimated condition number = 8.21156e+20 Full iteration number = 1 Norm of residual ||Ax-b|| = 578456 Norm of error ||x1-x2|| = 1.49362 Full iteration number = 2 Norm of residual ||Ax-b|| = 577166 Norm of error ||x1-x2|| = 1.49362 Full iteration number = 3 Norm of residual ||Ax-b|| = 577178 Norm of error ||x1-x2|| = 1.49362 Full iteration number = 4 Norm of residual ||Ax-b|| = 577166 Norm of error ||x1-x2|| = 1.49362 cgne_test Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 17:59:17