>> program_01 PROGRAM_01 - Point/Line Orientation Define a line L: Enter [ L.p1.x, L.p1.y]: [0,1] Enter [ L.p2.x, L.p2.y]: [10,21] Direction vector L.DV = (10.000000 20.000000) Normal vector L.NV = [-0.894427 0.447214] Enter a point [ P.x, P.y], or RETURN to quit: [3,0] (L,P) distance = -3.130495e+000 Enter a point [ P.x, P.y], or RETURN to quit: [3,7] (L,P) distance = 0 Enter a point [ P.x, P.y], or RETURN to quit: [3,99] (L,P) distance = 4.114365e+001 Enter a point [ P.x, P.y], or RETURN to quit: PROGRAM_01 Normal end of execution.