07-Jan-2022 16:42:31 burgers_steady_viscous_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 Test BURGERS_STEADY_VISCOUS. bsv_test01(): Solution of steady viscous Burgers equation. Step ||F(U)|| 0 0.9 1 1.3177 2 0.140345 3 0.00158582 4 1.58645e-07 Saved plot to file "bsv_test01.png". U(X0) = 0 estimated at X0 = -8.25451e-14 bsv_test02(): Solution of steady viscous Burgers equation. Consider a variety of values of viscosity nu. Using NU = 0.8 Using NU = 0.4 Using NU = 0.2 Using NU = 0.1 Using NU = 0.05 Using NU = 0.025 BURGERS_STEADY_VISCOUS - Warning! The Newton iteration did not converge. Saved plot to file "bsv_test02.png". bsv_test03(): Solution of steady viscous Burgers equation. Vary the left boundary condition ALPHA around the value +1. Using ALPHA = 0.96 Using ALPHA = 0.98 Using ALPHA = 0.99 Using ALPHA = 0.995 Using ALPHA = 1 Using ALPHA = 1.005 Using ALPHA = 1.01 Using ALPHA = 1.02 Using ALPHA = 1.04 Saved plot to file "bsv_test03.png". BSV_TEST04: Solution of steady viscous Burgers equation. Vary the left boundary location A around the value -1. Using A = -1.04 Using A = -1.02 Using A = -1.01 Using A = -1.005 Using A = -1 Using A = -0.995 Using A = -0.99 Using A = -0.98 Using A = -0.96 Saved plot to file "bsv_test04.png". BSV_TEST05: For the Burgers equation on [A,B] with viscosity NU and boundary conditions U(A)=ALPHA, U(B) = BETA, with ALPHA and BETA of opposite sign, let X0 be the point where the solution U changes sign. Sample and plot the functional relationship X0(ALPHA). Saved plot to file "bsv_test05.png". BSV_TEST06: For the Burgers equation on [A,B] with viscosity NU and boundary conditions U(A)=ALPHA, U(B) = BETA, with ALPHA and BETA of opposite sign, let X0 be the point where the solution U changes sign. Assume ALPHA is Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.05. Estimate E(X0(ALPHA)) using M Gaussian samples. M E(X0(ALPHA)) estimate 16 0.193442 32 0.0656687 64 7.46236e-06 128 -0.0858523 256 0.0129652 512 -0.0164546 1024 0.0261832 BSV_TEST06: For the Burgers equation on [A,B] with viscosity NU and boundary conditions U(A)=ALPHA, U(B) = BETA, with ALPHA and BETA of opposite sign, let X0 be the point where the solution U changes sign. Assume ALPHA is Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.05. Estimate Var(X0(ALPHA)) using M Gaussian samples. M Var(X0(ALPHA)) estimate 16 0.35783 32 0.360782 64 0.341962 128 0.35244 256 0.332313 512 0.344162 1024 0.341841 BSV_TEST08: Compare BSV and BSV_UPWIND. Upwinding is a scheme which reduces the numerical oscillations that can occur as the viscosity in the Burgers equation is decreased. The distortion caused by upwinding is visible for N = 21, NU = 0.1. The oscillations caused by NOT upwinding are visible for N = 21, NU = 0.01. [Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 3.700743e-17.] [> In burgers_steady_viscous (line 103) In bsv_test08 (line 69) In burgers_steady_viscous_test (line 40) In run (line 91) ] Saved plot to file "bsv_test08.png". burgers_steady_viscous_test(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 16:43:22