07-Jan-2022 16:34:15 box_games_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2020a) Update 2 Test box_games(). board_ij_init_test(): BOARD_IJ_INIT() draws an MxN board of cells. Each cell is given a unit square, but is drawn with a radius R <= 0.5. Cells are initialized to have a common foreground color They appear on a board of a given background color. Graphics saved as "board_ij_init_test.png" cell_ij_fill_test(): cell_ij_fill() fills in unit cells indexed by (I,J) using matrix coordinate system. Graphics saved as "cell_ij_fill_test.png" circle_ij_fill_test(): CIRCLE_IJ_FILL draws a circle, centered at CELL(I,J), of radius R and color COLOR. CELL(I,J) is initially a square centered at (I-1/2,J-1/2) of radius 0.45. Let's put some red and blue circles in those cells. Graphics saved as "circle_ij_fill_test.png" square_ij_fill_test(): SQUARE_IJ_FILL draws a square, centered at CELL(I,J), of radius R and color COLOR. Let's put some red and blue squares in those cells. Graphics saved as "square_ij_fill_test.png" board_xy_init_test(): BOARD_XY_INIT() draws an MxN board of cells. Each cell is given a unit square, but is drawn with a radius R <= 0.5. Cells are initialized to have a common foreground color They appear on a board of a given background color. Graphics saved as "board_xy_init_test.png" circle_xy_fill_test(): CIRCLE_XY_FILL draws a circle, centered at (XC,YC), of radius R and color COLOR. CELL(I,J) is initially a circle centered at (I-0.5,J-0.5) of radius 0.45. Let's put some red and blue circles in those cells. Graphics saved as "circle_xy_fill_test.png" square_xy_fill_test(): square_xy_fill() draws a square, centered at (XC,YC), of radius R and color COLOR. CELL(I,J) is initially a square centered at (I-0.5,J-0.5) of radius 0.45. Let's put some red and blue squares in those cells. Graphics saved as "square_xy_fill_test.png" box_games_test(): Normal end of execution. 07-Jan-2022 16:34:43