Thu Apr 25 10:49:08 2019 regression_1d: python version: 3.6.8 keras version: 2.2.4 Neural network to solve a 1d regression problem. The data is read from external files. (100, 2) (10, 2) [0.598499 0.60241 0.528659] [-0.40407 -0.542388 1.06106 ] [2.03206 2.44061 2.37146] [1.3084 1.27157 2.95062] Training: step 0: training cost = 16.0363 step 10: training cost = 8.91028 step 20: training cost = 5.00258 step 30: training cost = 2.85581 step 40: training cost = 1.6733 step 50: training cost = 1.0194 step 60: training cost = 0.655792 step 70: training cost = 0.451981 step 80: training cost = 0.336455 step 90: training cost = 0.269957 step 100: training cost = 0.230891 Testing: 10/10 [==============================] - 0s 1ms/step Test cost: 0.1439816951751709 Weights = [[1.2397591]] Bias = [1.8072875] Graphics saved as "regression_1d.png" regression_1d: Normal end of execution. Thu Apr 25 10:49:16 2019