
boston_housing_external, a keras script which reads the Boston housing dataset from an external file, rather than referencing the built-in keras dataset, and applies regression to predict housing prices


The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Related Programs:

boston_housing, a dataset which stores training and test data about housing prices in Boston. This dataset is also available as a builtin dataset in keras.

boston_housing, a keras script which sets up a neural network to apply regression to predict housing prices, based on the Boston housing dataset.

hourly_wages, a keras script which uses a neural network to create a multivariable regression model from a set of hourly wage data.

mnist, a keras script which sets up a neural network to classify the MNIST digit image data.

mnist_convnet, a keras script which sets up a convolutional neural network to classify the MNIST digit image data.

movie_review, a keras script which sets up a neural network to classify movie reviews from the IMDB database.

newswire, a keras script which sets up a neural network for the classification of Reuters newswire texts into one of 46 categories.

regression_1d, a keras script which reads training and test files of data pairs (x,y), and seeks a regression formula y = b + w * x.


The original text is by Francois Chollet; some modification were made by John Burkardt.


Source Code:

Last revised on 24 April 2019.