Location: https://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/html/opportunities.html
https://jobs.acm.org/ ,
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, jobs in computing.
https://all-acad.com ,
Academic jobs, in Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Engineering,
Computer Science, Life Science, Medicine and Chemistry, Economics,
Law, Arts, Humanities and Social Science.
https://www.ams.org/profession/employment-services/employment-services ,
AMS, American Mathematical Society employment services.
http://www.ams.org/opportunities ,
AMS, American Mathematical Society, internships, fellowships, grants.
https://amstat.org/ ,
ASA, the American Statistical Association.
https://amstat.org/your-career/asa-jobweb/ ,
ASA jobweb, the job search utility of the American Statistical Association.
https://www.cfd-online.com/ ,
CFD Online, news, resources, and jobs for
the Computational Fluid Dynamics community.
https://cra.org/ ,
CRA, the Computing Research Association website,
academic and industrial jobs in
computer science, computer engineering, computational science,
JHUAPL, jobs and internships at the Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Lab.
LABJOBS, jobs and internships at the National Labs.
https://www.mathjobs.org/ ,
MATHJOBS, jobs in
academics, industry, and national laboratories.
https://www.mathprograms.org/ ,
MATHPROGRAMS, REU's, graduate workshops,
grant opportunities.
NA-DIGEST, copies of the weekly Numerical Analysis newsletter;
https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/intern/apply/summer-internship-program ,
NASA JPL, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
https://ncar.ucar.edu/opportunities/careers ,
NCAR, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado.
https://www.training.nih.gov/programs/sip ,
NIH, the National Institutes for Health,
summer internship program (SIP), including biostatistics, biomathematics,
mathematical modeling, computational biology.
https://www.noaa.gov/education/opportunities/students ,
NOAA, the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration,
internship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.
https://new.nsf.gov/funding/initiatives/reu/search ,
NSF, the National Science Foundation,
lists the many Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU)
programs that it support.
https://www.nsa.gov/careers/ ,
NSA, the National Security Agency,
recruits for a variety of jobs from analysts, to lawyers, to
linguists, to communications; student programs are available.
https://orise.orau.gov ,
ORISE, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education,
internships, fellowships, scholarships, and jobs.
https://studentaffairs.pitt.edu/cdpa ,
PITT CAREER CENTER, advice and help for undergraduates and graduates
about internships, job shadowing, interviews, resumes, CV's,
cover letters.
https://theprofessorisin.com/pearlsofwisdom/ ,
THE PROFESSOR IS IN, a blog with advice for struggling grad students,
including "What not to wear for interviews", "Teaching and
Research statements", "Teaching Portfolios", "Is the Search Committee
ghosting you?", "How to choose recommenders", and many more.
PSC, the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center,
includes a Careers page;
https://www.siam.org/programs-initiatives/professional-development/career-resources/careers-in-applied-mathematics/careers-brochure/ ,
SIAM CAREER GUIDE, a 28 page booklet describing a variety of jobs
held by applied mathematicians, with education, location, salary,
job duties, and how they got there.
https://www.siam.org/programs-initiatives/professional-development/internships/ ,
SIAM INTERNSHIPS, companies and their internship offerings
for students in applied mathematics and computational science.
https://jobs.siam.org/jobseeker/search/results/ ,
SIAM JOBS, jobs for graduates with degrees in
applied mathematics and computational science.
https://www.beanactuary.org/ ,
SOA (Society of Actuaries), "Be an Actuary": what is an actuary,
required exams, internships and job opportunities.
https://www.usajobs.gov// ,
USAJOBS, jobs with the US government
(Departments, Institutes, Labs, Military).
Last revised on 04 February 2025.