Mother English, unstoppably fecund, brings forth new words in abunditude. While we want to welcome each of these new baby words, there are a few, I'm afraid, that will turn the stomach of anyone with a sense of propriety!
Against that pressure, against the IMF, against the OECD, against all the other sets of incomprehensible initials, we revolted. We said 'We will not be told what to do by acronyms. We are not having an acronymocracy!'Jacob Rees-Mogg, quoted in the New Yorker, 04 November 2019.
Even the two men standing at the bar who looked like actors were not (though when pressed, they confessed to having actorlike hair).The New York Times, 17 November 2007.
If we had to explain the order in biology by lots of detailed, incredibly improbable bits of selection and ad-hocery, if everything we see was a hard struggle in the beginning, we wouldn't be here.Mitchell Waldrop, "Complexity".
He was rumored to play squash at five A.M. every morning, not an encouraging habit in a boss, who would therefore arrive at the office at six-thirty, all pumped up and aerobicated and ready to eat the day and any less-than-1000-percent-committed staffers along with it.Christopher Buckley, "Thank You for Smoking".
In function 'float r_huge ( void )':
new declaration 'float r_huge()'
ambiguates old declaration 'double r_huge()'.
I architected, designed and implemented high-performance multiprocessing servers.
When architecting a solution, be it a single enterprise data warehouse or a 'federated' collection of warehouses, organizations need to consider the following factors to successfully deliver integrated information...
The Economy cannot be architected just based on the status of the Middle Class? Do you agree?
We audible these things, and we make changes.secretary of state Colin Powell, speaking on a talk show to Tim Russert.
Having become interested in biology after marrying a geneticist in 1991, he began poring over texts, and autodidacted until he had mastered the subject.Technology Review, February 2005.
A young man with a beard and boots and wide-wale trousers and tumbling light-brown hair, he had a backpackery environmental look, a suggestion in his face of early Lincoln.John McPhee, 'Coming into the Country'.
When spot prices are higher than forward prices (a market condition known as backwardation), that is normally a sign that users are desperate to get hold of a commodity and are willing to pay a premium for immediate delivery.The Economist, 10 November 2007.
That she's also a better detective than a mother makes her somewhat of an outlier, at least in American movies. If Bell were a man and father, and played by, say, Denzel Washington, this wouldn't be a big ask.The New York Times, December 2018, reviewing Nicole Kidman's performance in the movie 'Destroyer'.
I bolded that line for emphasis.In this spirit, and supposing it legal to replace "made bold" by "bolded", I suppose we can say:
I freshed the air.
I unnecessaried the second suitcase.
The Word was fleshed.
Bertie Ahern, the Irish prime minister at the time of the rapid economic growth, merely boasted, "The boom is getting boomier," preferring to unknow the truth that booms always go bust.The New York Times, 31 December 2011.
During the hearings, the lawyers wrangled over the bubbleability of gum and the flippability of certain cards, and they patiently explained to the judge what it meant to flip a leaner against the wall.Dave Jamieson, 'Mint Condition'.
But Tara defends the cult's creepy cando-ism.The New York Times, 11 August 2006.
Knowing your care-abouts keeps the love alive in your business.
"The case for war is caveatted all to hell."General Miller, in "In the Loop".
Copper has spent much of the last two years in backwardation. But it recently moved to a state of contango, where futures prices are above spot prices.The Economist, 10 November 2007.
Arthur felt his temper rising as he recopied the words; felt also the coolth of Jean's advice.Julian Barnes, "Arthur & George".
Rejuvenating your company's decisioning capabilities requires the right approach and the right technology. At the Business Rules Forum Conference and the co-located Enterprise Decision Management (EDM) Summit, you can find out about both.
[Aviation's] purchase of the right to emit a tonne of CO2 from a ground source will be a net disbenefit to the environment.Caroline Lucas, MEP.
His usual practice is to disbind the newspapers - that is, cut them out of their chronological context with a utility knife (you can hear the binding strings pop softly as the blade travels down the inner gutter of the volume) - and sell the eye-catching headline issues.Nicholson Baker, "Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper".
Ms Hayden has been credited with one of the more creative online responses to nasty commentators - disemvowelment, the removal of all the vowels from a post. Not quite censorship, but not exactly unfettered commentary either. Ms Blue - who was disemconsonanted, too - said that even that half-step gave her a creepy feeling.The New York Times, 07 July 2008.
You're not helping me! You're dishelping me!Real estate agent Luis, on the 'reality' TV show 'Million Dollar Listing'.
Not everyone, the Collector was aware, is improved by the job he does in life; some people are visible disimproved.J G Farrell, "The Siege of Krishnapur".
But put yourself in the position of a middle rank employee asked to report in on a project. You can say you're trying to get it done. But that sounds lame. So you go with efforting, which sounds more vigorous and engaged. But it's also not a promise. Efforting might buy you some time and maybe if you effort long enough the project will be forgotten altogether.Uri Berliner, "Forgive Me For I Have Sinned ... Against the English Language".
"I have been epiphanied by the quality of your essays this week," said Professor Embers.Neal Stephenson, 'The Big U'.
During the hearings, the lawyers wrangled over the bubbleability of gum and the flippability of certain cards, and they patiently explained to the judge what it meant to flip a leaner against the wall.Dave Jamieson, 'Mint Condition'.
The check, he said, was "gratis-ed".
These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzi.
The hybridity seemed irreconcilable for so many years until I understood the American habit of maintaining a reductive naivete through compartmentalized guilt.Caille Millner, "The Golden Road".
Incentive structures work. So you have to be very careful of what you incent people to do, because various incentive structures create all sorts of consequences that you can't anticipate. Everybody at Pixar is incented to build the company.Steve Jobs.
Sociolinguists - scholars of language in society - call the way that forms of speech entail social meanings indexicality.Michael Newman, The New York Times, 05 October 2015.
"All of the studies characterize these people as not only the poorest people in the nation, but as the most powerless people in the nation, the most marginated and the most hopeless."Roy Black, "Black's Law".
It is not journalism. It is not documentary. It is a fictional representation set in a real time and place, replete with moments of inside humor, local celebrity and galloping, unrestrained meta.David Simon's open message to New Orleans, in defense of his HBO series 'Treme'.
In a personal sense, having these letters treated as murderabilia is appalling to us.The New York Times, 22 January 2007.
But her greatest strength, the thing I knew I would remember about Victoria Knight even now, having barely sat down with her to lunch, was her near-midgetry.Jennifer Egan, "Look at Me".
"If you're a corporate travel manager and you know a certain airline is having maintenance work done at noncertificated foreign repair facilities, and if you have employees flying on that carrier, then you could have a problem," Mr Mitchell said.The New York Times, 02 April 2008.
Gingrich spends a half hour photo-opping with the students and then proceeds to the stage.Wells Tower, Harper's Magazine, September 2006.
How about ...a hole, a really deep hole, which you put in a public place, for general use. In Manhattan, say, at the corner of Seventieth and Fifth. Where the Frick Collection is. (Or a prole-ier address?)Susan Sontag, "The Volcano Lover".
And like all bad news in business, it invites pushback from managers determined to prove that their organization can be the exception to the rule.Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code".
Adorno hated, like he already named it in the 30's, the "authoritarianism and reactionarity of false freedom"
"Washington is a pseudo-social environment. You lunch and breakfast. You recept".The New York Times Sunday Magazine, 06 March 2005.
And you can't help but root for a show on which someone says "I might have to reskedge".The New York Times, 11 August 2006.
The band [The Amboys] blends a variety of influences into its own indie, rootsy-rock genre.
"Yeah", said Carrollton, not in the least bit scrutably.Jonathan Miles, 'Want Not'.
I definitely noticed that lately he's been more sheisty.
Here are seven keys to successful solutioning that will improve your win probability.Lisa Pafe, '7 keys to successful solutioning', Washington Technology Daily', 12 April 2018.
Charley, of course, owns his own probs: a big, dirty-blond, overweight, bad-tempered, pimply-faced daughter named Ivy (who Paul refers to as IV), a student in an experimental writing program in NYC, who's currently living with her professor, aged sixty-six (older even than Charley), while writing a novel surgerying her parents' breakup when she was thirteen...Richard Ford, "Independence Day".
Cash bans turn regular retailers into semi-private spaces, as some consumers, such as those who are unbanked (without a bank account) and ``underbanked'' (those who have a bank account but rely on alternative, often predatory financial products like check cashing) cannot afford the cost of admission.Ashwin Rodrigues, Vice, 31 July 2019.
"We're severely underfacilitated".
I just think it's kind of cheap to undonate money to a charity.From the television series, "The Office".
To partake of the Indian's love or his equivalent of bread and wine was to debase, to un-English the very soul.Richard Slotkin, "Regeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600-1860".
I have always been rather proud of my un-nagginess.Gillian Flynn, 'Gone Girl'.
"It was too much to bear unopaqued by any of the usual defenses."Nathan Englander in the short story "The Tumblers" in his collection "For the Relief of Unbearable Urges".
"The idea of someone unpublishing you is horrifying," she said, casting the action as violating the informal "best practices" that have developed around blogging.The New York Times, 07 July 2008.
Namrata Singh...every week turns away young Sikh men who want their long hair cut off. "Kids come in groups," she said. "There's a lot of peer pressure. But we won't unturban them here. We don't want to be responsible for that upheaval in their families."
In the 1960s the writer Jalal Al-e Ahmad identified what he called a cultural "illness" that had stricken the country's cities and towns. He coined a new word to describe it: gharbzadegi - "West-stricken-ness," or Westoxication.
"How welcoming that is! How far that is from the image of organisms as tinkered-together contraptions, where everything is bits of widgetry piled on top of bits of ad hocery, and it's all blind chance."Mitchell Waldrop, "Complexity".
Hugh Jackman (or as I like to call him, Huge Ackman) was a very odd choice to host if the Academy is hoping, Benjamin Button-style, to youthen the Oscars this year.Dana Stevens, Slate Magazine, 19 February 2009.