
lucky_duck, a list of words and phrases that have a rhyming pattern similar to that of "lucky duck", that is, a beginning, a one syllable space, and a rhyming end.

        abracadabra (a magic word)
        ack and quack (in the army, the Adjutant and Quartermaster department)
        ackamaracka (a long involved exculpatory story; tea)
        action packed (full of adventure and excitement)
        ages and stages (the first two divisions of geologic history)
        AIDS for Grades (a college course on sexually transmitted 
        angles and dangles (a series of maneuvers performed by a submarine
        shortly after leaving port, to check that everything is secure; a series
        of sudden turns and drops intended to detect a pursuing submarine)
        Anna banana (a nickname for Anna)
        AOK (in order; perfect)
        arky malarky (malarky)
        art and part (a term in Scottish Law denoting the aiding 
        or abetting of a crime)
        art or part (conception or implementation)
 [your] ass is grass (you are in serious trouble)
        awful but lawful (describing police tactics that may seem brutal but legal)
        B and B (a bed and breakfast resort)
        B and E (the crime of breaking and entering)
        back me or sack me (a prime minister's dare to his
          rebellious party)
        back on crack (using drugs again)
        back on track (restored to health or productivity after a
          setback or distraction)
        bag and tag (to collect and mark a trophy, prize, or piece of evidence)
        bag it and tag it  (to collect and mark a trophy, prize or piece of evidence)
        bag of slag (garbage)
        bags of sags (stretch marks)
        bake a cake (have a yeast infection)
        bake or break (biodegradable)
        Banaban (an atoll in the western Pacific)
        bang and clang (noise pollution)
        bangarang (hubbub, tumult)
        bash and trash (to vandalize)
        bash the rash (to apply a fungicide)
        bawling and falling (a live concert)
        beat the heat (to cope with hot weather)

        beat the sheats (to change linen in a hotel room)
        bells and smells (the ritualistic aspects of Catholic services)
        Ben and Jen (a shorthand for the Hollywood couple Ben Affleck
          and Jennifer Lopez)
        bet and sweat (new gambling devices that include an exercise 
        bingo wings (the flabby flesh that hangs from the upper arms of older
          people, who are often found in bingo halls)
        blabs in labs (a college linguistics course)
        blast and cast (hunting and fishing)
        blister his sister (a sibling fight)
        block the shock (a death sentence reprieve)
        blow and go (a device which measures the alcohol content of a breath before
          unlocking the ignition of a car; a process of immediately discharging an
          explosive device rather than trying to delicately disable and analyze it;
          a straightforward method of dam destruction which does not attempt to mitigate
          the sudden flooding and turbulence and pollution)
        blow the show (to ruin everything)
        blowing and glowing (radioactive)
        blue de Hue (marijuana from Vietnam, pronounced BLOO-ay day HOO-ay)
        blues and twos (the two tone horn and blue flashing lights used
          by an emergency vehicle)
        bob a job (what British Boy Scouts say, when they solicit work)
        bob a nob (one shilling per person)
   [to] boil in oil (to torture)
        Boney Maroney (heroine of an early rock 'n' roll song)
        bonkers for honkers (approved for breast augmentation)
        boogaloo (a shuffling dance in a two beat rhythm)
   [to] boogerboo (to pretend)
        booze and cruise (a pasttime of undererage teenagers, involving
          drinking while driving)
        boozeroo (a drinking bout)
        bop and drop (descriptive of an assailant who appears
          suddenly and immediately attacks)
[twelve hours from] bottle to throttle (the suggested span
        between drinking and operating an airplane)
    [a] bitch to stitch (difficult to suture)
        Box and Cox (two men who share a room for one)
[dumber than a] box of rocks (very stupid)
        box the fox (to steal fruit from an orchard)
        boys or toys (a categorization of a budgeting problem at the NSA,
          which had to choose between more personnel or more satellites)
        break a leg (how actors say "Good luck!" [imperfect rhyme])
        break it and shake it (waitress code meaning to crack an egg
          and add it to a drink)
        break the shake (gradual withdrawal from alcohol)
        breed and weed (a summary of the eugenic program of selective
          reproduction and elimination of the unfit)
        bric-a-brac (miscellaneous objects displayed as a collection)
        bricks and clicks (a combination store and web site business)
        brush and flush (a humorous reference to the basic bathroom activities)
        budge and mudge (a housebreaker and accomplice)
        budge the judge (to obtain a warrant)
        bug the rug (to install hidden recording equipment)
   [to] buggerlug (to waste time on trivial matters)
        buggerlugs (a jocular or derisive term for another person)
        bum to mum (an order to rugby players to abstain from pregame sex)
        bumbledom (red tape; overblown regulations)
        bump and jump (evacuation drill on a cruise ship)
        burn and churn (a description of the policies of a company
          which exploits employees and then replaces them)
        burn and turn (what the dealer does in hold 'em poker, revealing
          the fourth and fifth table cards)
        burn to earn (arson)
   [to] bust one's crust (to hit hard enough to break the skin)
        busted and dusted (arrested and photographed)
        buy and die (a disparaging term for a Hyundai)
        buy and fly (to make a furtive drug purchase)
        by hook or by crook (by extra effort or sneakiness; by any means 
        cads and dads (a division of marriagable men into romantic
          adventurers and responsible providers)
        cads and pads (cartridge actuated devices and propellant acuated devices)
        calm and balm (a peaceful, healing environment)
        candyman (a drug dealer)
        caps and taps (engine fittings)
        cash and flash (a pay parking lot)
        cash for trash (journalistic payment for slanderous reports;
          a characterization of the bail out of investment banks by the Federal
        cash is trash (the motto of stock-brokers)
        catch the scratch (to touch poison ivy)
        catches and latches (descriptive of techniques for constructing
          hidden compartments in objects, in which spies can store equipement,
          documents, cameras, or microphones)
        cattle and chattel (livestock and personal property)
        caught the rot (developed gangrene)
        cause to pause (an event or issue that raises concerns)
        cells with bells (the maximum security wing of a prison)
        chairs and flares (an upgraded model of the Ferrari Dino with bigger
          seats and flared wheel arches)
        chalk and talk (a school teacher)
        chanky chank (Cajun music)
        char the car (a car fire)
        cheaper to keep her (a divorce, while desirable, is not worth
          the trouble and expense)
        cherries and berries (referring to the blue and red flashing lights
          on the top of emergency vehicles)
        chew and spew (a restaurant of doubtful sanitation)
        chicken brick (earthenware cooking container)

        chicks with picks (the nickname of a women's ice-climbing group)
        chip and ship (a forestry procedure which reduces fallen trees to chips and ships them away)
        chips and dip (potato chips and dip)
        chock-a-block (randomly arranged)
   [to] chock and block (to adjust, arrange and support)

   [to] choke for coke (to trade oral sex for drugs)
        chokes and croaks (a college first aid course)

        chop and drop (a chemical warfare missile disposal plan, in
          which the entire missile is cut up and dropped into a furnace)
        chop and lop (an autopsy)
        chop the top (to correct an overbite)
        chow for now (a joking farewell)
        chow miaow (a derisive term for Chinese takeout)
        chuck-a-luck (a banking game using three dice)

   [to] chug-a-lug (to drink many swallows without pause)
        churn and burn (an unscrupulous stockbroker strategy)
        cinnamon (despite the spelling, a common pronunciation is "cin-a-min")

   [to] clag the bag (to die)
        claim to fame (the thing one is known for)
        clap and flap (a Gospel song)
        claws in gauze (a bandaged hand)
   [to] clean and preen (to work extra hard at making something presentable)
        clean machine (something that is clean; an operation that is
        clerk of works (an architect's employee responsible for representing
          the interests of the client, such as quality and adherence to plans)
        clerks and jerks (the soldiers in a noncombat unit)
        click and pick (shopping on the Internet)
        clicks and bricks (a company that sells items both in stores and online)
        clicks for chicks (online pornography)
        clink and sink (a toast)
        clip the lip (to repair a cleft lip)
        clipped a script (stole a prescription)
        clog of smog (heavily polluted air)
        close the nose (perform rhinoplasty)
        coast and toast (a drive-by shooting)
        cocked and locked (ready to fire)
        cook and hook (a lab for making illegal drugs)
   [to] cook the books (to falsify financial records)
        conned the bond (made bail)
   [to] cop the drop (of a policeman, to take a bribe)
        copper top (a red-headed person)
        Cops in Shops (a program to try to stop underage alcohol purchases)
        corridor (a hallway)
   [to] cox and box (to share living quarters without overlapping, perhaps
          because of shift work, after "Cox and Box", a Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera.
        crack attack (a sudden craving for drugs - oops, gotta go!)
        cracker jack (excellent; self-important)
        cracking but facking (joking, but giving useful information)
        cram and jam (used to describe housing developments in which
          houses are densely located on regular, tiny lots)
        crammed and jammed (an impacted wisdom tooth)

        crash and dash (a timed skiing run between two points of a piste)
        crawl and fall (a fire drill)
   [to] cream your jeans ([imperfect rhyme] to be very excited about something)
        creep and weep (the slow search and recovery of sunken practice
        crinoline (a stiff fabric used for dresses)
        crunch and munch (crack cocaine)
        cuff and stuff (to handcuff and take custody of a prisoner)
        cut a gut (to make a mistake)
        cut and gut (an autopsy)
        cut and shut (the practice of trimming the edges of a worn rug,
          and resewing the edges, to improve its value)
        cut and shut (a car made by
          welding (the undamaged) halves of two other cars together)
        cutie patootie (cute; a cute person)
        czar of noir (the nickname of Eddie Muller, who enthusiastic promotes film noir)
        D and C (dilation and curettage, a form of abortion)
        dad and lad (generic name for a men's clothing shop)
        dads and lads (generic name for a men's clothing shop)
        daily mail (a common name for a newspaper)
        dare to bare (a challenge to strip in a public place)
        dash for gas ([imperfect rhyme] the rivalry to discover and
          exploit new sources of natural gas)
        dead ahead (directly at the front)
 [better] dead than red (an anticommunist rallying cry)
        delay and pray (a description of the strategy for dealing with the
          initial failure of the EU's bailout of Greece)
        delta smelt (a kind of fish)
        denizen (a dweller or habitual resident)
        Dennis the Menace (a cartoon character, and now an obligatory
          nickname for anyone named Dennis)
        different strokes for different folks (de gustibus non 
        ding-a-ling (an idiot)
        Dingableding (a town in Australia)

        dip and flip (helping a child put on a coat by laying it on
          the floor first)
        dip and sip (perform a biopsy)

        dirty bird (a mild epithet)
  [the] disease to please (a compulsive need to please others)
        dish and swish (a style of basketball playing)
        disown the phone (to abruptly terminate a telemarketing campaign)
        ditch the switch (slogan of a group opposed to Daylight Savings Time)

        docuschlock (a disparaging name for movies which purport to be
          highminded documentaries but which attract audiences with their
          sentimental or low-minded approach)
        doff and cough (a strip search)

        dope and grope (a high school prom)
        dos-a-dos (back to back)
        dosido (a square dancing figure)
        dots and spots (derisive name for a college course in modern art)
   [no] doubt about [it] (definitely)
        drag and brag (descriptive of field trips by a naturalist who
          "drags" the audience through the woods and "brags" about his
          extensive knowledge)
        drag the bag (deliver mail late)
   [to] drag the rag (to hurry up)
        draggin' the wagon (reposessing a car)
   [to] drain the vein (to urinate)
        drape and scrape (dermabrasion)

        dream machine (something greatly desired; a means of achieving one's dreams)
        dreamin' of semen (fearful of pregnancy)
        drill and kill (a disparaging term for rote learning)
   [to] drop a bop (to take a drug in pill form)
        drop a cop (to assault a policeman)
        drop and pop (small easily-planted explosive devices used by guerillas)
        drop and swap (change a baby's clothes)
        Drugs and Thugs (the nickname for the Department of Narcotics
          and Counterterrorism)
        dupey dupe (a particularly stupid constable)

        earn or burn (describing options for accruing or expending frequent
          flier miles, without perhaps actually having to fly)
        Easy Street (a symbolic state in which one can live a carefree life
          involving no work)
        eds and meds (education and medicine, how Pittsburgh describes the 
          current base of its economy)
        effing and jeffing (swearing)
        eggs on legs (describing the appearance of women in "sack" dresses)
        eight-til-late (describes the schedule of shops that are open
          late in the evening)
        Etch a Sketch (a trademarked name for a child's toy which allows 
          the creation of simple drawings on a screen using two dials)
        etiquette (a code of manners)
        extend and pretend (a description of the strategy for dealing with the
          initial failure of the EU's bailout of Greece)
        eyes revise (to perform an eyelid tuck)
        face and brace (to confront with bluster)
        fair and square (equitable)
        fake and make (a deceptive play in football)
        falderal (ado; nonsense; a trifle)
        fancy Dan (a boxer with good footwork but a weak punch)
        fancy Dan (a snappy dresser)
        fancy Dan (fussy, showy)
        fancy dance (a showy, elaborately choreographed dance performed
          by Native Americans)
        fancy man (a male lover)
        fancy pants (a person mocked for putting on airs)
        farm to arm (a drug operation which grows, processes and sells its product)
        farts and darts (a mocking reference to the design of the US Air Force
          insignia of clouds and lightning)
        fear and tear (describing the reasons children avoid the doctor)
        feather bed
        feed and bleed (a medical test in which a drug is administered
          and then its level checked by blood tests)
        feed the weed (to refuse chemical treatment for the lawn)
        fester on chester (a herpes infection)
        fiddley-did (the sum of one pound)

        fight or flight (the conflicting urges a creature feels when threatened)
        fighting tight (so drunk one wants to fight)
        fights and tights (a typical superhero comic book)
        fill or kill (a stock market order to be filled immediately or canceled)
   [to] fill the bill (to satisfy a need)
        fingering (touching; the feel or play of a string intstrument)
        first to worst (the descent of a sports team from top to bottom rank)
   [to] fit the mitt (to bribe)
        flail the mail (aggressively pursue names on a mailing list)
        flap and zap (an informal name for LASIK eye surgery)
   [to] flap your trap (to talk too much)
        flash and dash (something quick and dazzling)
        flash and trash (local news specials, shown during sweeps weeks,
          that emphasize sex and violence)
   [to] flash the ash (to pass one's cigarette pack around)
   [to] flash the cash (to exhibit one's money)
   [to] flash the cash (to make bail)

   [to] flash the hash (to vomit)

   [to] flick one's wick (to hurry up)
   [to] flip the script (to turn the tables on someone)
[whatever] floats your boat (satisfies you)
   [to] float a note (to loan money to a friend)
       floated and noted (uttered and recorded)

        flop and drop (suffer a narcoleptic attack>
   [to] flub the dub (to evade one's duty)
   [to] flub the dub (to fail)
        fluffed and buffed (made most presentable)
        folderol (ado; nonsense; a trifle)
        free to be (a tolerant attitude or atmosphere)
        free-vee (non-pay television)
        frocks and rocks (a social occasional suitable for fine
          dresses and jewelry)
        fry and die (global warming)

   [to] fudge and mudge (to avoid commitment)
        fuddy dud (an old-timer; one who won't update)
        fueled and tooled (ready to proceed, for instance, of an airplane)
        fumble and stumble (to answer questions poorly)
        fun and sun (outdoor recreation)
        funky drunk (very intoxicated)
        gaspin' in Aspen (Rocky Mountain spotted fever)
        gator bait (dead meat; literally "alligator bait")

        geek physique (the underdeveloped body type of a nerd)
        geeze Louise (an exclamation of exasperation or surprise)
        glide and slide (attempt to avoid court supervision)
        globophobe (Claire Short's mocking name for an
          anti-globalization activist)
        gloom and doom (forecasts of woe)

        gods for clods (an introductory religion course)
        gonfalon (a flag or banner)
   [to] gooi a uie (to make a U-turn)
        goon platoon (a squad of misfits)
        grab a stump to rest your rump (sit down!)
        grain and drain (a bread and water diet)

        green machine (the army)
        greet and seat (the task of ushering guests at an event)
        grinny bin (an insane asylum)
        grip and rip (an aggressive batting style in which the batter
          tries to hit every pitch)

        ground and pound (a fighting strategy of first getting your
          opponent off his feet, and then holding him down while beating
        grub and bub (food and drink)
        hack a Shaq (to deliberately foul Shaquille Oneal who is 
          (they tell me) a poor free thrower)
        hack and stack (an autopsy)
        hack attack (a period of frenzied programming)
        hack attack (an attempt by hackers to breach a computer system)
        hack attack (a fit of coughing)
        Hackensack (a town in New Jersey)
        hackmatack (an American larch tree)

        hacks and flacks (journalists and publicists)
        hanky pank (a simple carnival game that is not actually unfair)
        Happy Nap (the New York state prison at Hapanoch)
        happy slap (a new pasttime of bored British youths, who
          walk up to a stranger and slap him, recording the incident
          with their cell phone camera to share with their friends.)
        happy snap (a photograph of people smiling)
        hard as lard (excellent)
        hasta la pasta (a joking farewell)
 [from] hatchin' to catchin' (descriptive of the life cycle of
        factory-farmed chickens)
        heads in beds (the goal of the hotel industry)
        heat and beat (the traditional method of working iron)
        heat and eat (frozen meals; cafeterias that serve frozen meals)
        heat and eat (a government program that guarantees food stamp
          assistance to any person who is already receiving state aid
          for home heating costs)
        heaven eleven (the winning initial roll of eleven in craps)
        herb superb (marijuana)

 [from] hero to zero (to lose one's honorable reputation suddenly)
        hide and bide (a policy of hiding one's advanced military equipment
          from enemy view, biding one's time until it is needed.)
        hide and slide (to shoplift)
        high and dry (safe from danger)
        high and dry (a nickname for the High Church party)
        Highlands and Islands (two areas of Scotland that were
          traditionally rural, remote, rugged and lawless)
        highways and byways (all roads, big and small)
        hike a bike (when mountain bike race contestants must carry their
          bikes because the route is too muddy to ride)
        hire and fire (the power to employ and let go)
   [to] hit the grit (to get on the road; to leave)
   [to] hit the mitt (for a pitcher's ball to evade the batter)
   [to] hit the mitt (to carry out a task successfully)
   [to] hit the pit (to be imprisoned)
        hittin' while sittin' (to violent break up a sit-in demonstration)
        hither and thither (here and there)
        hob a nob (hob nob)
        hob and nob (hob nob; very close or familiar)
        hodmadod (a shelled snail)
        hodmadod (an awkward person)
        hog in togs (a man about town)
        hogs in togs (fat people in sweatsuits)
        hoi polloi (the common people)
        hokey smoke (how Rocky the Squirrel would swear)
        holes and poles (a college sex education class)
        holy Joe (a chaplain; a pious person)
        home alone ([imperfect rhyme] on one's one; abandoned)
        honey bun (a term of affection)
        honey bunch ([imperfect rhyme] a term of affection)
        honky tonk (a loud and gamey bar)
        hoochinoo (an Alaskan tribe; an alcoholic drink they brew)
        hook and book (to attach a car to a tow truck, and make a
          hurried departure before the angry owners appear)
   [to] hook 'em and book 'em (to capture and arraign miscreants)
   [by] hook or crook (by any means)
  [the] hookey-spooks (a creepy feeling)
        hoopdie swoop (to move in on, and pick up a person with great 
   [to] hop and drop (to limp)
        hop and flop (a treadmill test)
        horses for courses (an elliptic phrase that means different people are
          suitable for different things)
        hot to trot (eager)
        hotsy potatsy (a sexually promiscuous person)
        Hottentot (a South African tribe)
  [the] House of Mouse (the Walt Disney Company)
        hover or cover (the choice faced by a user of a public toilet as to
          whether to sit down or to hover over it)
        Hudge and Gudge (two characters created by G K Chesterton to
          stand for the forces of government and business, or conservatives
          and liberals, but both the enemy of Jones, the common man)
   [to] huff and puff (to breathe with great effort)
        hug a thug (a disparaging reference to attempts to
        rehabilitate criminals)
   [to] hump and bump (to work hard, with occasional promotions or 
   [to] hump and dump (to have sex with, and then abandon)
        hump 'em and dump 'em (the stud's credo)
        hunk of junk (a worthless bulky item)
        hunky chunk (a sturdy short muscular worker)
        huns with guns (a shooting party)
        hurtin' for certain (very ugly)
   [to] hustle your bustle (to hurry; to act as a prostitute)
        ice and slice (a gin and tonic)
        ice the rice (waitress code meaning an order of rice pudding with ice cream)
        in like Flynn (in)
        in it to win it (determined to prevail in a competition)

        inky dink (a fluorescent light used on a movie set)
        it from bit (a complete logical theory of the universe, with no
          arbitrary choices, that explains everything, except, I suppose,
          for where the theory itself came from...)

        jai alai (Basquetball)
        jail, no bail (during the civil rights movement, a tactic in which
          demonstrators allowed themselves to be imprisoned, and refused to post bail)
        jeeze Louise (an exclamation)

        jibber the kibber (a device used to mislead and wreck ships 
          for plunder)
        jig-a-jig (sexual intercourse)
        jitters for critters (fear of animals)
  [the] Juice is loose (OJ Simpson is free)
        jumps and lumps (physical education class)
        kill for thrill (a killing done for its own pleasure)
        kitchen bitch (a man who hangs around the kitchen)
  [[to] knock acock (to stun; to amaze)
   [to] knock your block [off] (to be surprising or stunning)
   [to] knock your socks [off] (to be surprising or stunning)
        kvetch and wretch (ceaseless complaining)
        la-di-da (carefree; unworried)
        lab to fab (the transition of a product from laboratory to
        lads and dads (a father and son event)
        lag-a-bag (a lazy person)
   [to] lap and tap (to start a horse race by having the horses walked
          away from the starter, then spinning them around at the starter's
   [to] larkyfark (to screw around; to be killing time)
        layaway (to arrange to have an item set aside, to be paid for in
        installments, and claimed when payment is completed)
        layin' and playin' (idling at home)
        lean and mean (fit, ready for action)
        lean machine (a person or organization that is trim and ready)
        leap to sleep (a boring dramatical recital)
        leather or feather (a choice of beef or chicken for dinner)
        liar for hire (an advertising copy writer)

        lickin' stick (a sweetheart or lover)
        lie or die (a threat made against a witness in a murder trial)
        lift and sift (a prison shakedown)
        live at five (the motto of local TV news)
        loan to own (a business loan made with the hope that the debtor
          will default, allowing the lender to take over the business)
        loco da poco (a little crazy)

        long and wrong (to have bought stock, incorrectly assuming it would rise in value)
        look and book (a search and seizure)
        look and cook (a guided tour of a nuclear power plant)
        loony tune (a crazy person)
   [to] loop the loop (to spin around; to complete a circle)
        loud and proud (someone who is overly eager to announce his
          positive assessment of his personal accomplishments or
        low and slow (a nickname for the Low Church party)
        low and slow (describing a process that proceeds in small increments at a slow pace)
        low and slow (an Internet attack that aims to obstruct service by using
          extremely slow HTTP or TCP traffic)
        lube and tube (auto maintenance involving lubrication and
          checking the tires)

        luck and pluck (a combination of fortune and determination)
        lucky duck (a lucky person)
        lump and bump (a chump; a fool)
        lurch in church (religious music)
        lurks and perks (schemes and benefits)
        Mackinac (a resort island in Michigan)
        made the grade (passed a test)
        maid brigade (a cleaning service)
        make or break (a decisive test)
        maker and shaker (an important, powerful person)
        mammogram (an X-ray of the breast)
        maps and chaps (descriptive of history, or of a class on history)
        marish and parish (everyone)
        Marks and Sparks (a nickname for the British company "Marks 
          and Spencer")
        mask the ask (make a discreet inquiry)
        mauming and glauming (amorous pawing)
        mealie meal (ground up corn, used as a food by the poor)
        meals on wheels (a food service for the old and sick)
        mean machine (a fast and stylish car)
        mean and lean (having an athletic body)
   [to] meet and greet (to perform the rites of mass hospitality)
   [to] meet and street (to examine emergency room patients, and eject
          the ones whose conditions are not serious)
   [to] merge and purge (to combine two lists, and remove the duplicates)
        mic-a-mic (scrub)
        might makes right (the assertion of force against law or custom)
        mighty white (awfully magnanimous)
        Mike and Ike (waitress code meaning salt and pepper)
   [to] moan and grown (whining)
        movin' and groovin (making satisfactory progress)
   [to] mow and blow (to mow grass and blow leaves away)
        muck and truck (miscellaneous articles)
        muck-a-muck (an important or high-ranking person)
        mucketymuck (an important or high-ranking person)
        mud and blood (a drink of mild and bitter)
  [the] muscles from Brussels (nickname for Jean Claude van Damme)
        mute the flute (a bad musical performance)
        nail 'em and jail 'em (the police)
        name and claim (to assert possession of something)
   [to] name and shame (to identify petty offenders so as to shame them)
        name and tame (to identify and thus to master one's fears)
        nanny cam ([imperfect rhyme] a hidden camera used to keep an
          eye on babysitters)
        nap and trap (a police stakeout)
        nary pair (a very low-scoring poker hand, with not even a pair)
        near and dear (physically and emotionally close)
        nearest and dearest (family and friends)
        need for speed (a person's inbuilt urge to drive fast)
        news and views (a combination news and opinion broadcast)
        nicey nice (overly nice; affectedly affectionate)
        nick the dick (a vasectomy)
        nickel slick (petty; insignificant)
        nifty fifth ([imperfect rhyme] a fifth thing)
        nob-a-nob (very close together; intimate)
        nomen est omen (a Latin proverb, meaning "a name is a fate")
        not so hot (less attractive, interesting or cool)
        nuke and puke (a microwave dinner)
        nuts and sluts (nickname for a college abnormal psychology class)
        nuts to butts (packing people very closely)
        odds and sods (odds and ends)
        oh you know (opium)
        okie doke (okay)
        old and bold (describing an adventurous old person)
        oldie but goldie (an old song that is still worth hearing)
        one and done (the motto of someone who does not plan to repeat
          something; a basketball player who goes to college for one year 
          to qualify for the NBA)
        oodles of noodles (extrusion of brain matter after an accident)
        oozin' and losin' (a cracked pipe)
        oral is moral (the slogan of people who suppose that oral
          sex is an acceptable means of diverting sexual tension,
          while "real" sex is immoral)
        orca dork (a killer whale afficionado)
        P and E (price and earnings information for a stock)
        pacamac (a sheet of polythene, cut in the shape of a coat, but
        pliable enough to fold up and store in one's pocket)
   [to] pack and crack (a voting district strategy of packing opponents
          into homogeneous districts, and cracking their centers of strength)
        pack the crack (perform a collagen injection)
        pam-palam (fuss, confusion)
        pan and scan (how wide movies are cropped to fit narrow TV's)
        park and bark (the style of operatic performance in which
          the singer stops all pretense of acting, and simply sings)
        pass for grass (to be ignored or disrespected)
        pave it, don't save it (urban renewal)
   [to] pay away (to go on, to continue)
        pay for play (online games that charge to participate)
        pay or play (a Hollywood contract convention that guarantees
          payment to directors or actors, whether or not the film is made or released)
        pay to play (a systemic bribery system requiring payoffs for
          government contracts)
        pay to slay (the Israeli term for Palestinian payments to prisoners in
          Israeli jails)
        pay to stay (jails nicer than the overcrowded ones, but which
          require payment from the convict for the privilege of staying 
        phony baloney (a fraud, a fake, a deceit)
        payndemain (the finest, whitest bread made in the Middle Ages)
   [to] peck and neck (to make out, to romance)

        pick up sticks (a child's game)
   [to] pitch a bitch (to complain or whine)
        plug and chug (a problem solving method of substitution followed 
          by manipulation)
   [to] plug the jug (to give up drinking)
        plug the mug (to stifle; to become silent)

        poke the coke (a drug bust)
        poll and bowl (the former US college championship system)
        pop and drop (to drink and drive)
   [to] pop the lock ([imperfect rhyme] to force open a lock)
        pop the top (a bank robbery)
        poppycock ([imperfect rhyme] nonsense; worthless matter)

   [to] press the flesh [imperfect rhyme](to meet or greet people)
  [the] price of rice (as in "What's that got to do with the price
          of rice?", that is, with ordinary reality.)
        print and tint (a process in which a monochrome image was
          printed, and then the foreground colored by hand)
        probe the robe (perform a strip search)
        pulp and gulp (medication time)
        pump and dump (to praise a stock and then quickly sell it for
        pump and dump (to express breast milk and discard it)
        pump the chump (to push an options package in a car deal)
        pur et dur (literally "pure and hard", a term for the
          hard core members of Quebec's separatist Parti Quebecois.)
        push the tush (a publicity tour)
  [the] Queen of Mean (a mocking nickname for Leona Helmsley, and
          since then, for any meanspirited woman)
        race and mace (a high speed police chase)
        rackaback (a man on a horse, with a woman riding sidesaddle behind)
   [to] rack and stack (to collect one's winnings; to pack up)
   [to] rack and stack (to install stacks of computer servers in racks)
        rack attack (a prolonged spell of laziness, spent in bed, the "rack")
        Rackensack (a derisive nickname for Arkansas or someone from there)
        rags and jags (tattered clothing)
        rags and mags (newspapers and magazines)
        rails to trails (a program for converting railroad tracks to 
          hiking trails)
        rainy day (a time of hardship or trouble)
        ram and dam (a muzzle loading gun)

        randy for sandy (a sexual proposition)
        rang-a-tang (a belligerent coarse person)
   [to] rank and yank (to evaluate employees and pull out the bad ones)
        rankydank (an unsophisticated person)
        rant and chant (activities of animal rights protesters)
        rat-a-tat (imitating the sound of a gun or a drum)
        rattletrap ([imperfect rhyme] a rickety mechanism)
        raw is law (the refusal to use condoms during sex)
        razzmatazz (glitter; fanfare; sparkle)
        read and heed (learn and follow)
        ready for Freddie (ready for anything)
   [to] real the deal (to be open and honest)
        rend and send (an autopsy)
        rest and test (a pause for assessment)
        rest and vest (a sort of limbo in which a tech company has given
          an employee stock options, but hasn't found a suitable task for them,
          but prefers to keep them from leaving for another company, so they
          simply rest and wait for their options to become vested)
        retail is detail (a motto for salesmen)
        reveal the ell (to expose oneself)
        rex is lex (expressing the idea (in legal Latin) that the King
          and the law are identical)
        rickmatick (a rowdy affair)
        ricky tick (a bouncy ragtime style from the 1920's; quickly)
        ridgy didge (genuine; excellent)
   [to] rig a jig (to set up a victim)
        rigidig (real, genuine)
        rigmajig (a thingmajig)
        rigs and pigs (a firehall)
        ring and fling (a bird-banding operation)
    [a] ring by spring (the expectation of a college woman that she
          will be engaged before the end of the school year)
        ring-a-ding (run of the mill)
        rinky dink (shoddy; run down; cheaply made)
        rinky tink (simple, repetitive ragtime jazz)
        ripples for nipples (unnoticeable breasts)
        rixatrix (a quarrelsome brawling woman)
        roast and toast (a ceremony at which a person is both honored
          and gently mocked)

        Roger the Lodger (a tenant who seduces his landlady)
        roogodoo (a ruckus)
        rope a dope (to trick or beat a gullible person; a defense that
          frustrates and exhausts an opponent)
        rope not dope (the motto of the hemp legalization movement)
        rocks for jocks (the nickname of a "gut" or "Easy A" geology course)
        root my boot! (an exclamation of exasperation)
        rootypoot (an unsophisticated person)
        rooty toot (old fashioned music)

        roustabout ([approximate rhyme] - a general laborer or helper)
[a hard] row to hoe (a difficult task)
        rowdy dow (a fight; hubbub)

        rum and drum (a kind of bar with Caribbean music)
        rumble and tumble (noise; disturbance; uproar)
        rump and stump (completely)
        rumptyvump (a college course on Radio, Motion Pictures, and TV)
        rumtitum (in excellent condition)
        run and gun (an aggressive style of basketball, fishing, or movie
          directing; any style of action that relies on aggression, motion 
          and improvisation)
        ruthless and toothless (an irritable elderly patient)
        sassafras (a root used for flavoring)
        say on pay (a policy in which a company's shareholders can
          approve the excessive pay of executives)
        say it, don't spray it (an admonition to someone who
          inadvertently spits as they speak)
        scabies had babies (a rash that is spreading)
        scale the mail (to throw away mail without reading it)
        scan the can (to inspect a nuclear power plant)
   [to] scarf and barf (to eat a lot and then vomit)
        schmooze and booze (a social event where alcohol encourages interaction)
        scooby doo (a large marijuana joint)
        scoop and swoop (a technique for adjusting one's genitals in a dance belt)
        scoop and swoop (a technique for putting on a bra)
        score and four (a 24 year term in the army)
        scot and lot (in English law, a customary contribution, laid on
          all subjects according to their ability to pay)

   [to] screw the pooch [imperfect rhyme] to get into enormous trouble
        scrub a dub (to scrub)
        scuttlebutt (rumors; gossip)
        seal a meal (little plastic bags used to for drug transactions)
   [to] seal the deal (to conclude an agreement)
[neither] seaway nor leeway (affording no means of escape)
        seek and peek (voyeurism)
        sentiment (feeling)
        seventy 'leven (a large indefinite number)
        sew and go (ballet shoes that require no breaking in, just the
        sewing on of the ribbons)
[every] shade and grade (all levels or varieties)
        shake and bake (something quickly made or mass produced)
        shake and bake (a sergeant who has earned stripes quickly)
        shake and bake (radiation treatment)
        shake and fake (to obtain medical leave)
        share the fare (cab riders who split the bill)
        shelter belt (a proposed program to plant lines of trees in the
          American Dust Bowl region, to disperse the wind and improve the climate.)
        shirk the work (strike)
        shocks for jocks (the nickname for an introductory electrical
          engineering course)
        shoot and scoot (an artillery technique in which artillery is
          moved to a new position after a few firings)
        shoot the chutes (an amusement ride)
        shrink it and pink it (the NFL's approach to making football
          paraphernalia attractive to women)
        shrinkin' and sinkin (a nuclear plant meltdown)
[neither] sight nor light (no visual contact whatever)
        single and mingle (a social event designed for matchmaking)
        sinnin' and grinnin' (being bad, and enjoying it too)
        sit and knit (an art therapy class)
        sit and shit (a bedpan)
        skaty eight (a large indefinite number)
        skew the dew (a splay-footed person)
   [to] skew the do (to change the situation)
   [to] skin and grin (to laugh foolishly in an attempt to ingratiate 
        skin and sin (an adult movie)
        slam and jam (an aggressive style of basketball)

   [to] slice and dice (to cut up)
        slice and splice (do plastic surgery)
        slice of life ([imperfect rhyme] a depiction or story that
          strives for naturalism over stylism, symbolism or beauty)

        slim and trim (in good physical shape)
        slippy dip (a children's slide)
        slit and spit (gum surgery)
        slit and split (to make the initial cut in an autopsy)

        slobs and snobs (the two kinds of visitors to the free tastings 
          at wineries)

        slop and flop (a place with food and beds)
        slow and low (a method of cooking at a low temperature for a long time,
          such as can be used for beef brisket)
        slow and low (a motto for lowriders, who drive lowered cars in slow parades)
   [to] slow one's row (to lower one's profile)
        slow the flow (to reduce the creation of waste)
        slums and bums (nickname for a course on urban government)
        smack attack (corporal punishment)
        smash and dash (describing the tactics of thieves who use stolen
          construction equipment to break an ATM machine from its
          foundations, and then run away with it)

        smash for cash (to break up a company and sell the divisions)
        smear and fear (descriptive of a kind of emotional electoral tactic
          which seeks to defame the opponent and scare the electors)

        smile and dial (the motto of people who make advertising pitches
          over the telephone, calling hundreds of numbers a day)
   [to] smoke a toke (to smoke marijuana)
        smother her brother (a sibling fight)
        snack attack (a sudden craving for junk food)
        snag and drag (to water ski)
   [to] snap a cap (to fire a shot)
   [to] snap your cap (to be surprised or outraged)
        snatch and catch (a nickname for the
          Obstetrics and Gynecology rotation in Medical School)
   [to] sneak a peek (to get an advance or unauthorized look at something)
        sneak and peek (a covert reconnaissance mission)
        Sneaky Pete ([approximate rhyme] a sneaky person)
 [from] sneezer to breezer (from nose to tail)
        snip and clip (to excise a skin imperfection)
        snitches get stitches (a threat to informers)
        sno-go (a snow machine)
        snug-a-bug (snug as a bug in a rug)
        sock and lock (a boarding school practice of beating a sleeper
          with a bicycle lock wrapped in a sock)
   [to] sock the clock (to register on a time clock)
        socks and knocks (sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides,
          the most objectionable elements of air pollution)
  [the] source and course (the origin and development)
        spade brigade (gravediggers)
        spam or ham (the distinction between junk and legitimate email)
   [to] spank the plank (play the guitar)

   [to] spank the planks (to dance)
        speeds and feeds (the characteristics of data movement and
          calculation speed for optimal efficiency on a given high performance computer)

        spill and kill (an oil spill)
        spill it and kill it (the effect of careless pollution)
        spin and pin (two groups of orthogonal matrices)
   [to] spin the bin (to retrieve items from the trash, referring to
          Royal attendants who sell discarded items from the palace)
   [to] spit the bit (to stop trying; to give up; to refuse to take direction)
        split the shit (nuclear fission)
        sprawl and brawl(a mixed-martial arts strategy that avoids 
          ground fighting)
        spray and play (mace)
        spray and pray (a job-seeking strategy in which one sends resumes
          to every possible opening indiscriminately, praying that one will respond)
        spray and pray (a political strategy in which Republicans make endless charges
          at Joe Biden, hoping one of them will stick.)
        spray and pray (a farming strategy in which a pesticide is sprayed on crops
          early, in the hope that it will be effective.)
        sprawl and crawl (hip hop music)
        square affair (one's regular girlfriend)
        squeeze and tease (making out, flirting)
        squeeze and tease (reducing the size of closing movie credits so 
          "teaser" ads can be played simultaneously)

   [to] squirt the dirt (to bleach teeth)
        stab and slab (an autopsy)
        stab the flab (to perform a tummy tuck)
        stacks of wax (a collection of phonograph records)
        stag or shag (coming to a party alone, or with a date)
        stags and crags (a characterization of the Scottish Highlands,
          and the sentimental paintings often made of them)
        stall the ball (to delay as a strategy)
        stall the call (to try to keep a caller on the line so it can be traced)
[the New] Staggers and Naggers (a nickname for The New Statesman
          and Nation magazine)
        stalls and falls (a class of aerial accidents in which a plane or 
          parachute abruptly ceases to support its weight, and begins to fall)
        Stan the Man (nickname for baseball player Stan Musial)
  [the] Stars and Bars (the nickname of the Confederate battle flag)
        starve it or carve it (eat less, or work out more)
        stay away (an airline passenger who doesn't show up)
        stay and play (a passive form of fishing involving a lot of
          idle waiting)
        steal the veal (to poach)

   [to] steam your beam (to make you mad)

        sticks and bricks (describing techniques of camouflaging microphones
          and other surveillance devices)
        sticklebrick (a kind of toy consisting of small blocks in various
        shapes with a mesh of connecting prongs)
        stitch and bitch (a knitting and gossipping session)
        stole the role (false identity)
        stones and bones (the nickname of a college course in
        stoop and snoop (a drug raid)
   [to] stop and pop (to make a sudden stop and shoot the ball,
          in basketball)
        stop and shop 
        stop the drop (clemency for a death row inmate)
        stopped and dropped (fire victims stopped by a blocked exit)
        stop it or cop it (cease this annoying behavior or prepare to
          receive the consequent retaliation!)
   [to] stop the clock ([imperfect rhyme] - to halt a timing)
        stop the drop (clemency)
   [to] strain the brain (to think hard; to require hard thinking)
        strayaway (a stray animal)
        stride of pride (opposite of a "walk of shame", this is a
          walking style associated with a noteworthy achievement)
   [to] strip and flip (a business strategy of buying troubled
          companies and selling off the valuable parts for immediate profit)
        strip and rip (an aggressive style of basketball playing in
          which the ball is taken from another player)
        stripper clip (a speedloader that holds several cartridges together
          in a single unit for quicker loading of a gun's magazine)
        Stuff and Guff (the nicknames of two statues of blacksmiths
          which seem to strike a bell, in a monument in Herald Square)

        stumble bum (an alcoholic beggar)
        stumm and crum (extremely quiet)
        suck and chuck (to clean out a diseased tooth)
        suck the muck (perform liposuction)
        suckabuck (greedy; a greedy person)
        suited and booted (dressed up for a formal occasion)
        sun and fun (the relaxation one expects on a holiday)
        super group (an unstable rock band made up of the ego-heavy
          remnants of several previously popular bands)
        surf and turf (a lobster and steak meal)
  [the] swing of things (the schedule or natural rhythm of life)
        switch the pitch (to change the direction of one's argument or
   [to] syphon the python ([imperfect rhyme] to urinate)
        tack attack (a fit of bad taste)
        tackle shack (underpants)
        take a break (to pause)
   [to] take the cake (win; be outstanding; be most egregious)
        tear and share (a sectiond dessert bread, made to be hand torn and shared )
        telenovela (a Latin American version of the soap opera)
        thin is in (to be thin is fashionable)
        things with wings (airmail)
        thinkin' it's shrinkin' (the Brazilian rain forest)
        three to me (I've got three points in this game now)
        threw the shrew (evicted a stage mother)
  [the] thrilla in Manila (one of Mohammed Ali's boxing matches)
        thrills and spills (exciting action)
        thugs and drugs (the purview of a particular official in the
          State Department)
        thump the hump (masochism)
        thunder run (a loud and impressive parade or convoy)
        Tia Maria (a drink)

        tight and bright (showing the signs of recent plastic surgery)
        ting-a-ling (imitation of a bell ringing)
        ting-a-ling (a Cajun musical triangle)
        tired and wired (exhausted but too tense to sleep)

        tip and strip(a kind of novelty pen displaying a clothed model;
          when the pen is tipped back, the clothing disappears)
        TNT (dynamite)
   [to] toil and moil (to work long and hard)
    [a] ton of fun (a very enjoyable experience)
        toodle-oo (a farewell)
        torque the pork (sexual teasing)
        Tots and Quots (a small London gentleman's dining club)
        totty shot (a small picture or image of an attractive
          woman, used to liven up a newspaper or new report)
        town and gown (a town and the college it supports)
        tower of powers (the expression x^x^x^x^...)
        traits and states (the effect on behavior of inherent
          characteristics and temporary emotional states)
        trash and flash (gaudy tasteless clothing)
        trash to ash (incineration of garbage)
   [to] trig the wig (to think fast)
        trim the limbs (to lose weight)
        triple hip (an extra smart person)
        tripped on script (fooled by a fake prescription)
   [to] trump the hump (to climb a hill)
        trundle the bundle (to forward mail)
        tuck it and truck it (to transport toxic waste)

        turn and burn (for a restaurant to quickly serve 
          and send off as many customers as possible )
        Tuvalu (an island nation in the South Pacific)
   [to] tweet da deets (to send the details via Twitter)
        twice as nice (much nicer)
   [to] twirl the pearls (to dance)
  [all] types and stripes (all kinds)
        ugly mug (someone's face)
  [the] urge to merge (the desire to mate)
  [the] urge to splurge (the desire to go shopping)
        use it or lose it (a slogan promoting exercise)
        use it or lose it (the doctrine of immediate launch of nuclear weapons
          upon the credible threat of attack)
        useless deuce (the U2 spyplane, after it became vulnerable to SAM missiles)
        user confuser (nickname for a computer user consultant)
        vaunts and taunts(a combination of boasts and insults directed
          at a competitor or enemy)
        veil and trail (a traditional bridal veil with a long train)
        view halloo (a fox-hunting call)
        volley ball
        wacky tabacky (marijuana)
        wag the flag (to wave the flag (British))
   [to] wake and bake (to smoke marijuana immediately upon waking up)
        wakin' and shakin (to go cold turkey)
        walk and gawk (go sightseeing)
        walk and talk (a TV news segment in which the presenter walks
          through the scene while delivering the report;
          a strolling interview; a Mafia tactic of going outside to
          talk business, so as to avoid bugs)
   [to] walk the chalk (to test one's sobriety by walking a chalked line)
   [to] walk the walk (to do as one suggests to others)

    [a] waste of space (something that is worse than nothing)
        watch the Scotch (investigate suspected liquor theft)
        way to play(an encouraging cheer during a sporting event)
        wear and tear (the normal disintegration of things in this
          perfect world)
   [to] wed and bed (to make a person one's spouse, legally and 
        weed and seed (a combination weed killer and seed for the 
          lazy gardener)
        weep and sleep (a reaction to sorrow involving crying oneself to sleep)
  [the] Well of Hell (a very deep cave system in Yemen)
   [to] wet the bed (to urinate while sleeping)

        whack 'em and sack 'em (the game hunter's creed)
   [to] wheel and deal (to negotiate; to bargain; to plot)
        whirly bird [imperfect rhyme] a helicopter)
        whirly girl (a hurricane)
        Wilt the Stilt (a nickname for Wilt Chamberlain)
        wimps and pimps (a civilian review board for police)
        win and in (a situation in sports in which a team needs
          to win just one more game to secure a playoff spot)
   [to] wine and dine (to feed a guest sumptuously)
        wings and things (Chinese takeout)
        wink and drink (a trip for advertising executives)
        Winners and Sinners (The name of the internal newsletter of
          the New York Times)
        work and lurk (describing the hidden but persistent operation 
          of some agent)
  [the] worm has turned (a reversal in fortune has begun)
 [from] worst to first (a complete turnaround in rankings, as in
          the Boston Red Sox's 2012 and 2013 seasons)
        yank and bank (sudden and violent aeronautical maneuvers)
        yank and spank (a disciplinary suspension)
   [to] yank one's crank (to annoy, perturb or torment)

    [a] yard of hard ($100 worth of crack cocaine)
        yea or nay (approval or disapproval)
        yockydock (narcotics)
        you know who (someone whose identity is obvious but whose name is
          best left unspoken)
        zinc the mink (to vandalize a fur coat)
   [to] zip your lip (to keep quiet)

Words or phrases in which the initial part is repeated, rather than merely rhymed:

        day to day
        door to door
        face to face
        hand to hand
        head to head
        house to house
        man to man
        mano a mano
        minute by minute
        mouth to mouth
        out and out
        tete a tete
        toe to toe
        umpty ump (a large indefinite number)
        wall to wall

Somehow less worthy:

        Deal a Meal (a set of cards for controlling diet)
        Dip and Strip (an immersive paint removal system)
        flick your Bic
        Heckle and Jeckle
        Seal a Meal (a system for wrapping leftovers)
        stop and shop
        Tears for Fears

Belongs somewhere else:

        flaggin', saggin' and braggin' (to be loyal to one's gang by
        wearing gang colors and low pants, and boasting)
        flash, dash and splash (John Cam Hobhouse characterizes the prose
        style of Thomas Macaulay)
        hangin', bangin' and slangin (descriptive of the social life
        of a gang member)
        hatched, matched, and dispatched (the birth, marriage and
        death announcement section of the )
        mow, blow, and go (a nickname for the itinerant gardeners
        of California)
        mush, gush and lush (favorable criticism produced in exchange
        for cash or foor and drink)
        pack, shack and stack (everything one owns, that is, clothes,
        house, and money)
        pale, male and stale (a complaint about any organization
        dominated by old white men)
        pale, male and Yale (a complaint about the composition of
        the US State department)
        suck, muck and truck (Butte, Montana's approach to the big
        pit: extract polluted water, mix with lime, and truck it away)


Last modified on 26 February 2023.